Wednesday, October 31, 2012

one of the cool kids

It finally happened. I have a smart phone. Well an iPhone to be exact and much to my roommates dismay they think the thing has taken over my life. Well hey its my birthday present and I've never had one before so just let me play with my new toy. Give me a couple weeks and I'll be back to normal. So far I love it! Its a lot more fun than my old phone( next time it'll be going to cell phone heaven and it'll rest in peace with my old razor) So be ready to have an explosion of pictures of my world cause its going to happen. The iPhone just solidified my love for Apple products.


I love my iPhone in the three short days that I have had it. I love it! But enjoy this first photo dump. Notice Rachelle eating her cereal out of a cup and with an ice cream scoop. In other news I'm trying to feel better again and get over this sickness. 

Friday, October 26, 2012



Do you remember growing up thinking you would never get old. Like when you were in High School and even though you wanted to leave you couldn't really imagine yourself leaving. Or when you were a child and you can never in vision yourself turning twenty or twenty one for that matter. Twenty one for me has changed. I thought I would go on a mission when this age came around. I prayed for that for a six months got my answer I wasn't supposed to go. Then the new missionary announcement at October General conference made me want to think differently. Then I got the reassured answer I needed to stay in Rexburg. It was hard at first. All these girls just going on a whim to turn in mission papers and I wanted to be a part of it. At least I prayed about it first. I have friends and a roommate that turned in their papers and I am so happy for them. They are going to be awesome missionaries. 

When I was leaving high school I thought twenty-one met I would be married by now. Boy was I wrong. And I was super naive. So naive, it was sad and pathetic. I do have to say something about not being married: I'm glad I am not married yet. Yes you heard me right. I have changed so much since I started college. I have stronger testimony in the gospel. I appreciate my time alone. I have come closer to God. Because I have waited and continue to wait, I want a temple marriage more than anything in the whole world. And honestly I don't know how fresh out of high school girls get married. They miss out on a lot being in single life and living with roommates. Maybe its just me...yeah, probably just me. 

When I think twenty-one, I'm grateful I am alive. Twenty years ago I got really sick, a hole in my diaphragm sick. My parents were new parents and were afraid, I don't remember any of it. I look at pictures and see how painful it was to see your child connected to so many machines. A child who looks miserable, swollen, and not happy.  Thankfully there was primary children that made sure I would be healthy and happy again. 

When I think twenty-one I am grateful for the friends I have. That I am not the same girl I was in high school: a girl that was an annoying know it all and a wall flower that really didn't know her place. I'm taking more risks and I'm the person I tried to suppress in high school so I could fit in better.  I am smart, I'm awesome at my major, and I have plenty of friends that love me for me and help me be me. 

When I think twenty-one I'm a girl who is a lot happier than she used to be. I have every reason to be happy and I have learned happiness is a choice. Life gets better when you are patient and knowing good things are to come. I now have a job while I am going to school, it took me four semesters to finally get one.  I have great roommates. I have an amazing family! I have a best friend who just got engaged and I couldn't be happier because she is happy. I'm happy when the ones I love are happy.

Most of all I love that I am going to be twenty-one because I'm growing up and things are changing. Glad I haven't stayed little forever. Even though that would be nice but really think about it, never growing up would get kind of boring. Here's to become an adult and being legal. (Yeah please do not buy me any booz, even if it is a joke. Please...) 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Begin Again

PhotobucketIt snowed today, a lot of snow today. It was a beautiful sight really. I was originally grumpy with it, it really changes my morning walk on Mondays and Wednesdays. I actually love walking out in the snow, really quite magical. I wanted to listen to Christmas music all morning. At work the other employees and I watched me supervisor struggle to get into a parking spot. Lesson of the day:make sure your four wheel drive engages. The gardens was a beautiful site really. I have two roommates that are disagreeing about it though. Its quite hilarious  One sees no point to snow the other one could marry snow. In other news I'm starting to be better about taking pictures. There could be a reason for that and I'm just not ready to share that yet.  But lets just say it feels like beginning again. And its been the best unexpected thing that I have needed. But for now enjoy the pictures of the snow in all of their glory. And I'm thankful I live in Rexburg where the snow doesn't melt immediately after it has fallen on to the ground like Oakley. Yup. Its windy and yet the snow stays here. And I have a good reason to wear a hat to class. Its lovely.


Monday, October 22, 2012

tuned in

Taylor Swift realsed her new album as 12AM Eastern. I wish I had pre-ordered the album but I wait until late afternoon today to finally download it. I love every song(minus'll take some warming up to that one) So enjoy my favorite song of the album. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good Things

Besides the sad note that I have been a terrible blogger lately lots of great things have been happening. Hopefully I'll get use to the busy lifestyle I'm living. And have my camera with me more. Anyways I have been truly blessed.

So I've been writing this missionary for a good long while now and things have exciting to say the least. I've never met this missionary in real life...but I'm writing him and its kind of, sort of a long story so I won't be sharing that one anytime soon. Well today after getting back from my trip I had a written letter with a surprise. The surprise you ask...well it was Argentinean pesos. How did this boy know I loved foreign money? 

I got to go home for the weekend. Despirte feeling crummy at the start, I slowly felt better after doing homework and eating food cooked by my mother. It was just good to be home with people that love me for who I am and they let me complain about anything...well maybe they limit my number of complaints about wedding announcements. 

Haunted Mansions with the sisters. Enough said besides the awkward moment when the 15 year old tried to make a move by holding my hand. 

Mom making my favorite meal. Cube steak and mashed potatoes with gravy. Y-u-m-m-y. Mmmmm!

Working. It's such a blessing to have the ability work and to have an opportunity to work. 

The most wonderful friends that took care of me when I was sick with a mild version of the flu I'm sure. It wasn't fun. Let's say I had a steady diet of ginger ale and soda crackers. Hey I lost weight...the only good thing about being sick. 

Being sent back to school with lots of goodies. Pumpkins, apples, potatoes, and rolls. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuned In

I stumbled on this gem recently. Roommate played a song by him and I fell in love is voice. Not to mention he has got some great songs.

Another thing I recommend when it comes to tunes is Pitch Perfect. Its such a funny movie and the music is great! I'm a big fan of Rebel Wilson now. It was one of the best movies I have gone to with my roommates. We had such a good time. Check it out


Saturday, October 6, 2012



Want in on all of this happiness and love that I am feeling. Go to here. You'll be glad you did! Mormon Holiday is the best!

Friday, October 5, 2012

I want to be like that


I want to be that kind of woman and daughter.

Dear Boys

Dear AZ,
You have my number now.
Call me maybe?

Dear Boys on campus,
Your head tilt/nod needs improvement.
I've had a lot and 3% are doing a good
just a suggestion,
girl on campus

Dear Papa!
I know you are going to rock
your marathon tomorrow!
Boston 2014 is yours! Loves ya!
Cheering in Spirit

Dear Missionary,
You are the biggest surprise in my life
right now. I expected you to be weird
and crazy but you proved me wrong.
I look forward to your letters on
Monday's. And a side note you are a
lot cuter than I had imagined.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuned In

I love the voice of Carolina Liar and Lyrics make me just as happy. I can't believe I haven't kept tabs on Carolina Liar because I missed a new album which I have since downloaded. What are some of your favorite songs right now. I always love hearing about new music! Hope the week is going awesome.