Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Start of 2010 and heading towards graduation

First entry of this blog. I'm entering in the home stretch of my high school career. Its filled with senior project, clubs, and track. I never realized how stressful a senior year could be. I thought it was just easy and honky dory. Boy was I wrong. Getting to graduation and still survive Honors English 12 with Mrs. Archibald, applying to school, and scholarships! I discovered there is never enough time.

Now its January 2010 and now I find myself with only 5 months left with my class. The class I have been with since first grade. What a ride its been. I wouldn't trade for any class. 12 years with the same 34 kids. I find it crazy that I've gone to the same school as my Grandpa and Dad.

I just hope I survive!