Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cheap and Cheep

Today has been one of my best days. Work was great...Can I say that I love my job at the Uppercrust! I really love working there. Boss and co-workers are so nice...its definitely a plus! Then I went to Walmart to get some errands for my mom and to get Tangled for my brother. I was surprised to see that the DVD was only $15.95.  I get to the register and the lady tells me she sold this movie for $10 to somebody else and asked if I wanted the same price! "Heck yes I do. Can I get another one to?" So I got one for my family and one for me to take to school!

My mom also asked me to go pick up 2 Americana chicks (we're rebuilding our flock).  She kept changing her mind on how many she wanted. I finally told her I would buy her 2 more for her Mother's Day Present because I know how much my mom loves her chickens. Plus I need a steady supply of eggs for when I go to school.  So I headed to CAL-Ranch to pick up those chicks. They are so darn cute. They are so funny to watch as well. They do the silliest things! I love my country life!
All the new chicks we have gotten in the past week! So darn cute!
 So this little girl is one of the new chicks! She's so fluffy I'm going to die! And she likes to pose too! Her fluff covers up her eyes.