Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Things I know

God allows bad things to happen. He doesn't make them happen. He knows you better than yourself and He's going to make sure you are growing in the correct and best possible way.

Just because bad things have happened in my life does not make me a bad person. I've always tended to think because bad things happen to me, I must be doing something wrong. In some respects yes but in others no. I made mistakes and some stupid choices but those don't define me anymore. Who I strive to be is who I should be defined by.

Change is hard, not only because its change but it's a choice we have to make. Sometimes its hard because we wish we did it sooner or we are resistant to change. Right now I'm going through change I wish I had done years ago.

Sometimes you think you shouldn't going a certain direction, like graphic design for me. But then you miss it and people you are good enough to do things. I was totally going to scrap the whole graphic design idea and pursue some other major and other desired career. But I find myself designing still and people want to hire me already. It is a gratifying experience when people tell you are great at what you are doing.

People don't think about you as much as you think they. Stop worrying about what others think of you. There will always be somebody who doesn't like you (just like there is always going to be somebody you don't like) and thats just a part of life.

We tend to do better than we think we do when bad situations happen.  Granted thats not always the case but most the time yes.

Comparison will never bring you happiness. I know from personal experience. Find ways to love people instead. We should want everyone to succeed just as much as we do.

Sometimes it just takes one person to inspire you to be better. Those people are the greatest blessings of our life. Everyday I'm thankful for the wonderful people that make me better.

As much as home is a physical place I think home can be felt just being around certain people. I feel at home when I'm with immediate and extended family. But also feel at home when I'm with friends. Especially my best friends. 

Life is just better when you live for right now. Life is a beautiful gift and some of us are forgetting about it.