Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stock Up: May

Making :  Messes-packing kind of does that
Cooking : Noodles for my mom
Drinking : Water, it's kind of a thing rift now.
Reading : I Am Malala. It's so riveting. It's peaked my interests to get more of an understand of what Islam is all about. The culture is fascinating and I'm in awe of Malala's strength. I have know idea what it would be like to live in fear everyday.
Wanting : the packing and unpacking to do it's self. 
Looking: at my recently finished brochure design. My first design done for someone outside of the state of Idaho. 
Playing: a cover of Ordinary World by Joy Williams, the words are just getting to me lately. 
Wasting: time designing instead of packing
Wishing: for everything to keep falling into place as I make the move to Logan. 
Enjoying: the new glasses I bought since my stigmatism has gotten worse. 
Waiting:  for Tuesday to come
Liking: the idea that I'll be designing more often soon. 
Wondering: what it'll be like being in Logan full-time 
Loving: who I am. And who I want to be
Hoping: The kids I have worked with know I love them and I'll never forget them! 
Marveling: That I'll be moving on Tuesday, start a new job and hopefully be going back to school in the fall. 
Needing: a ton of things to be done before the move. 
Smelling: shrimp, because I had to get that ready too. 
Wearing: Short shorts cause you know, tis the season. 
Following:  designers, they are awesome and it could be because I'm biased
Noticing: How stress really affects my body. It's good to notice these things. 
Knowing: I'm beautiful and worthy to be loved. 
Feeling: a since of excitement, peace, and nervousness all at the same time. 
Bookmarking: Recipes because I have a chubby heart. 
Opening: a new chapter in my life
Giggling: at how silly my dog is