Sunday, February 8, 2015

A letter from my past self

*After you read this you are welcome to change the name, nouns and the pronouns to fit you. Or heck you can write your own after reading this. Because you know you better than I probably know you….

May 13, 2014

You are a beautiful, smart, kind, and important girl! You need to stop playing scared!Remember the confidence and fearlessness that you possessed. You're excitement for life! You exuberance to do and go after things. Being a friend with everyone. Seeing the good and the desire to serve. The girl who could careless about what others think. Now is a time to focus on yourself. Make yourself better. Rise from the ashes and not let your anxiety rule your life. You are strong and courageous. You are beautiful. You are capable. You are enough. You are worthy to be loved. You deserve the best that this life has t offer. But that mean you have to keep trying.

Work hard to be better, take the steps each day to be better. Meditate, talk it out, run, walk, do anything and something that will bring you peace and happiness. Write letters when you are happy, mad, or sad. Cry if you need to. And always remember to breathe.

Chloe you are awesome! You are smart. You need to trust in yourself and believe in what you can accomplish. You are capable of anything. Continue to make the effort to be better. Quit being lazy; you are better than that! You are amazing and wonderful.

Own it, be you and stop caring what others think! Be proud to be you. A daughter of God, a daughter of wonderful parents on this earth, a sister, a friend, and a human being.

Let go of the past it's doing nothing for you put keeping you there, staying in the same place. Be grateful to be alive and that you can learn from those experiences. You are blessed beyond measure! Remember it everyday! You are divine and Satan wants to stop you. Don you dare let him win! You are so much more that! You are a Daughter of God and you optional is limitless. You are you! And you are a pretty amazing person.

I believe in us!
