Wednesday, June 29, 2011

{Whimsical} Wednesday

Today I'm dreaming of Paris. Actually I'm always dreaming of Paris.
I really would like to up and leave right now and go. 
Be rid of Rexburg for a while {wait I am going home this weekend!}
I want to learn French, so I can be snooty back to the Frenchmen.
Right now I don't have time for French.

If I were to go to Paris today I would:

{Eat at a charming outdoor cafe}


{Blow bubbles on this bridge and take a float down the river on the boat}

{Do some expressive dancing}

{Go to a carnival, I don't think they'll have creepy carnies}

{See a ballet}

{Do some window and actual shopping}

{Visit the Eiffel Tower}

{run through Paris with different colored balloons wearing chic clothes}


The dilemma of being a poor college student...
Have a Whimsical Wednesday!

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