Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Christmas!

Christmas was just amazing. 
My parents kept the surprises coming.
Christmas  Eve with The Night Before Christmas pop-books.
Oh I loved the illustrations. {Excellent example of good design}
{Isn't it adorable! Check it!}

I actually fell asleep relatively fast. That's a first.
Then was woken up at 7:15 we could have at least slept in another couple hours. 
I was surprised by Santa with Adobe Creative Sweep 5.5.
I'm so excited to have it when ever I want to create.
I finally have a header I absolutely adore! 
It was a Christmas to me! 
And a added bonus I got skinny jeans that are size 6 :)
{A SIZE SMALLER! Yay for a thyroid that works!}

So here are the scenes of a Woodhouse Christmas:

 {And I actually looked decent this year. Yay for cute pj's!}

{Couldn't forget the dog!}

After church the rest of the day of course was spent eating
and watching movies.  The best way to spend Christmas really!
I can't believe another has gone by.
A good year it has been. It started out rough
but just kept getting better.
Maybe I'll do a year in review

What do you think of my new header? 

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love that you said "Happy Christmas" I always say happy and people think I'm weird. I think we're cool :)
    2. I love your new header!
    3. I love that you get excited about design too. we are nerds :)
    4. I will miss having class with you, so I'm glad I can still blog stalk you!
