Monday, January 30, 2012

Apples and Girls

I know I have posted about this before 
but I've seen a copy of it on pinterest that isn't all that accurate. 
Its not an apple tree. Its just a tree. 
It needs to be an apple tree!
So I thought why not make an improved, version. 
So that is what I did today on illustrator. 
Trust me you get extremely bored when you are sick!

So enjoy and have fabulous Monday!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


When I say typography most people look at me like I'm crazy. 
They're the ones that are crazy. 
Typography influences you everyday. 
Its when you look at a document and how the typeface/font face speaks to you. 
I've been feeling every bit of extra time in researching typography and typefaces. 
Yeah I'm a nerd for my major. 
I've always had an obsession with my handwriting and typefaces
{fonts for those who don't understand}

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{via Design and Art/Designer Toolbox}

Typography makes a product, a document, or a business communicate visually
without a logo or a icon.
It can say I'm professional and I like things straightforward and right to the point.
Or I'm lots of a fun and I just want to jump.
Or I am solemn and I'm just letting you know I am here.
I am clean and neat because I am telling you where you need to go.

I recommend all of my designer and none designer friends to watch Helvetica.
 Its on netflix instant stream.
It gave me more knoweldge about design and typography.
It shows the debate of how well Helvetica was designed and how much it is over used.
I love helvetica but I can see that it is come to the go to just because it looks so good.
Thats what you get when you get a very well designed typeface.
There really isn't anything you can change about Helvetica.
And with the advancement of graphic design and can see more
well designed typefaces to come. My typeface heroes would be:
Paul Rand{ who designed futura font-blog header} and
Paula Scher{she shows that you can play with typography}
My advice with typography on blogs-make sure its in a font that
is easy to read for a long time. Keep your blog fonts unified.
If your going to use a bunch of different fonts make sure they work together
No clashing of the titans. You want it to look good and not tacky.
So have fun with fonts and I'm sure I'll be talking about this again.
And I'm super excited to actually take the class to
get more in depth into the subjectin spring!

{Just playing with
 some typography

Monday, January 23, 2012


Nope, not the genre of music but the SLC's basketball team. 
My Dad got his seasonal tickets for four from work.
Then purchased two other tickets so the whole family could enjoy some basketball. 
Yay! I finally got to see a live and decent game. 
Its been awhile since I actually new some of the players. 
Last time I was excited about the Jazz was back in the day
when Karl Malone and John Stockton played. Yup I was about 5 or 6. 
I have to say I loved watching Millsap handle the pressure 
at the bottom of the key{Loved this drop step that the TWolves couldn't handle}
And I've found my new love, Gordon Hayward.
The only white boy on the team, already starting in his second year, and is 6'8".
I did find the Twolves Spanish point guard, Ricky Rubio fun to watch. Considering his
size to the rest of the players.
I'm just fan of good basketball playing. Don't really have a favorite team.
My favorite is when I watch two good teams going head to head. 
And they beat the Twolves and it was a super fun and exciting game. 
 Aside from terrible ref calls and the rude Jazz crowd it was fun
And the Ice cream was super delish! 6 bucks a pop for each of them.
They made up for their size.

 Before any of the basketball greatness was to be partaken of,
I made sure my family went to the gateway. 
I needed to hit up the Apple store in hopes of getting some answers about my ipod. 
In short my iPod nano was getting old{6 years old, third generation}
and it was normal for it to be giving out now. 
So I could either repair or have apple recycle it and I get 10% off a new one. 
After talking with my parents I got a new one 16GB which is 4X the amount I had before. 
Its red...seems like a lot of my electronics are red...
I just wish they could have put my name on it. 
Needless to stay all the Employees in blue shirts were weird and had a nose piercing
{or some extracurricular piercing}
They were professional but didn't look professional.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Good Things

Good things that have happened or will be happening this week:

A got another scholarship from the state of Idaho-unexpected but Thank You!

Lots of creating going on.

Jazz Game Today and not in nosebleed seats. Row 20 here I come!

Work is stellar. Can't complain a lot better than Arby's!

I watch Kung Fu Panda 2 every night to have good thoughts while I dream.
Hey it works and it helps me sleep. That or Despicable Me or Tangled.

Homestar Runner...yeah I'm such a nerd.

Reading the Book of Mormon everyday. It makes me feel better.

Listening Reggae and Colbie Caillat-makes the cold days feel just
a little bit warmer.

Friday, January 20, 2012

A post finally posted

I've been pretty terrible the month of  January in even posting anything. 
Lost of self-discovery going on 
What I want to do and things I want to accomplish. 
 Some frustration.
I haven't written some post but they never got posted cause they didn't feel necessary. 

 I would like to share somethings I have been working on.

 {Made the sailboat for another project
Loved it so much I had to use it again}

{Love my citrus fruit}

{can be in different color options}

Dear Boys part vingt à quatre {24}

Dearest Gordon Hayward,
Loved your baller skills and
fell in love. One problem.
Your face looks like a child's
face. Time for you to grow

Dear DE DE,
You two are super hilarious.
Just lay of the drugs.
-the girl upfront

Dear Green,
Congrats on your engagement.
I hope this won't prevent you
from having chats. I'm okay
if you still remain faceless.
normal clothes

Dear Men who work at Apple,
I've never seen so many
men with nose piercings.
Or weird men for that matter.
But you are professional enough
-apple consumer

Dear Utah Jazz Fans{mainly men},
Thank you for not spilling your
horrid drinks on me.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dear Boys part 23

Dear FHE Brothers,
I'm so glad we are still
good pals. I hope to be
road tripping with you in
your FHE Sister

Dear S,
I miss you like crazy.
I miss Tuesday and Thursday
especially because we had
2 hours together in class.
I hope you are well.
Phone Call soon?

Dear Boy in Party of three,
You made work so much more
enjoyable. To bad you had a
girl with you. Come again and
flash that gorgeous smile again.

Dear Boy,
Take your time, I'm in no
hurry. I want nothing
rushed and  things to play
out like they should.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who's that girl?

Nope its not Jess. Even though do I love the show New Girl with Zoe D. 
But I recently got a hair cut and I'm told when I pull my bangs forward I look like her. 
I found it extreme but who knows maybe I kinda do. 
One of the guys I work with is a die hard for Zoe and he started to swoon when 
I did the full bang. It was quite hilarous. He said," Weird! I'm super attracted to you right now. You
look just like her." Yeah, weird. 
It made me laugh so hard. 

So tell me what you think of the new do. Do I look like Zoe D?
I really don't think so.

Also I've been swooning over Christina Perri's A Thousand Years. 
I like it because I can relate in a way. I can't for that wonderful
day when I'm finally with the guy I've been waiting for.

I'm not a twihard I jumped of the wagon after the first movie came out. 
I was for a while but not anymore. 
I have my reasons but I'm keeping them to myself. 
I'm just like the feeling I get when I listen to this. 
I'm starting to get a hang of this patience thing.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bringing Pretty Back

I read an article that So, hi shared with her readers. 
It got me thinking. Why do girls really aspire to be "hot" when boys 
prefer girls to be pretty. 
Going at BYU-I you would think everyone is modest and all. 
But even the modest limit tries to get pushed to a lower cut shirt or a shorter skirt. 
I even had girls in YSA student ward asked to go home to change into 
something more modest. 
So why the hotness? Is it because we think its what men want?
Why do we feel like we can't flaunt our natural you pretty. 
I've gotten it from how boys and men talk. 
I hung out with a goup guys  for half a semester. 
How they talked about women and young women made me think they wanted that hot factor. 
Gratefully I never went in that direction and stuck to be lovely little me. 
Later some of them got girlfriends that didn't have that "hot"factor they were 
always talking about. I was a little confused but it did prove the whole 
pretty vs. hot. 

So girls flaunt the natural pretty. 
But being hot is okay once in a while.
Just not to an extreme. 
Don't flaunt the stuff that has become a commodity. 
Be your best self. 

Bring Pretty Back!
Real men love pretty. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Dear Boy part veintidós

Dear Kitchen Boy,
You're pretty hilarious.
Don't worry you'll be
the butt of the jokes for
a while.
-Upfront girls

Dear fireman,
I don't think that's your
actual occupation. You
could have been nicer.

Dear Burley Boys
eh...okay I'll give you a
two week trial but I'm
really not expecting
much. still eh....
-home bound girl

Dear Rexburg Boys,
I miss you. I miss being
confused.  It made life
more interesting.
-off track 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

You Owe it to Yourself

Thats my mantra when I'm working out. 
It really helps when the work out is hard and I don't want to push hard anymore. 
My mom said it to me when I felt like crap because I had gained 
weight from my thyroid being attacked by my immune system. 
It makes you feel better and boost your self esteem when you look good. 

Exercising has becoming has become really important to me. 
It keeps me sane and healthy. 
Running is still a love hate relationship and sometimes I want to 
start yelling at Beto on my Zumba DVD{more like smack him for his weird comments}. 
College has taught me how important it is. 
It helped me through my finals and cooling off when roommate stress arises. 

My parents Nordic Track Treadmill{which is amazing, its got live terrian. LOVE!}
is being a constant right now. When I've felt frustrated about being home
I hit the treadmill. 
Running shoes are pretty awesome. Sometimes I could put my relationship status on facebook as 
in a relationship with running shoes. But FB can be lame and won't let me do that. 

I am a recent Pintrest addict and these are some of my favorite work outs
which I do after I run.  I want to get my six pack out of the cooler. hehe :)
And some motivation. 

dessert is good

Body scan of 250 lb woman and 120 lb woman. If this isn't motivation to work out, I don't know what is! I'm NOT implying that a women needs to weigh 120 lbs...that's no where near realistic for some people...but it is about health and longevity and the damage obesity causes. Look at the size of the intestines and stomach; how the knee joints rub together; the enlarged heart; and the fat pockets near the brain. Not good.
seriously this was great motivation for me. 
Don't ever want to have my insides go through that!
And its not really that great on the outside either. 

The 100 Workout.




Just Do It! You owe to yourself.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I think I am having way to much fun with illustrator. 

Yes I do have a fetish for mustaches. 
Mostly fake ones. Real ones can be kinda creepy. 

Pintrest is feeling me in on some great stuff.
I'm becoming an addict. 
I'm also extending an invitation to follow me!

Here is some of my favorite stuff with mustaches. 
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Oh and we can't forget about the mold I got for Christmas :)

Respect the fake stache. Respect it. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Life {what it'll be like for a while}

Its true I have more exciting things to write about when I'm up at college. 
Boys, roommates, Rexburgians, and the weirdo girls. 
When I'm home...its pretty much work, doing things at home, and the singles ward.
I love where I'm from but there really isn't anything exciting about. 
I'll be honest...I love my bishopric at the singles ward in Burley. 
Not the kids who are still stuck in high school...yup not a fan. 
I love where I work! I love being a waitress. 
I love being with my family. I love not paying rent. 
I love that my relationship with my siblings and parents is a lot more positive. 
Not strained like it was in High school. 
I love being able to watch my siblings grow up. 
Those things I love about being home. 

But I miss Linds, Alba, Tracey, and the rest of my friends. 
I miss {can't believe I'm saying this} my stressful ART130 class. 
I miss going for a run up to the temple. 
I miss the Hart Gym{yes because of the sweaty men}
I miss being at devotional. 
I miss the spirit that I feel at BYU-I.
I miss really feeling like my actual self. Not having to repress it because of 
how stuck in high school some people are in the singles ward here. 
That I do miss. 

Sometimes trade offs stink but thats life. 
I know somethings will never be the same. 
I know everything about my life is changing fast. 
But thats okay. I trust my Heavenly Father in what he has in store for me. 

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Life at home will be good for me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012's Resolutions

Oh the favorite thing to do at the beginning of the year
only to be forgotten in a couple of months. 

Well I'm hoping not to forget because I have it written them down and 
posted them publicly.

{1} Get organized-keeping my room clean for more than 2 hours
{2} Working out every morning-at least everyday 
{3} Study the Book of Mormon for 30 minutes a day-not just read study
{4} Draw, take a picture, or design something everyday-gotta keep the juices flowing 
{5} Choose to be happy while I am at home

You'll notice my blog is going through renovations yet again. 
As much as I loved having the yellow flower background it was time for a cleaner look 
for everything. So please pay no mind to the changes now. 
I'm mostly experimenting with illustrator and html. 

What are some of your New Year Resolutions?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Old and New

2011 Review
I found I had a thyroid problem-got it taken care of with medicine.
Went through a dark time of my life. 
Worked at Arby's and the Uppercrust. Then left for school. 
Started feeling better about myself.
Met some pretty amazing people{Alba, Tracey, Jake, Tom, Joey, John, and Eric}
Lost weight. Came home worked at scale house and then went back to school.
Finally got an amazing room roommate, Lindsey. 
Dropped more weight. 
Liked a boy, he kinda liked me back then changed his mind. 
Had an Art project hung up in the Spori.
Devoted the rest of the semester to ART130.
Feeling even better about myself. 
Came home got back to work at the Uppercrust. 
Went to a wedding, Temple Square, and had delightful Christmas. 
Made more money in my first week at the Uppercrust than I did at Arby's in 
one month almost a year ago. Pretty impressive. 

I'm glad I am back to feeling normal again. 
I'm glad that I can look in the mirror and feel happy. 
2011 has been good to me but I know 2012 is going to be better. 
I feel good about what is to come. 
I'll be back with Lindsey in April and I'll be pursuing graphic design further. 
I have Adobe Creative Sweep 5.5 so I can continue creating.wonderful things. 
So hit me up if you want a new blog header and such. 
I want to keep in practice. 
I love you all and I can't believe I have as many readers as I do! 
Have a wonderful new year with brand new exciting adventures!

What are things you look forward to with a new year?