Saturday, February 18, 2012


I don't know how many people will see this because 
I did something that needed to be done.
I deactivated/deleted my facebook for a good while. 
So I guess in the long run I really don't care if people read this or not. 

I had many reasons to why I deleted book face. 

For one I was getting tired of hearing every single detail about peoples' life. 
And heaven forbid I did not want to hear about how some mother's children
pooped in their pants and how they had to actually had to clean it up.

I hated how parents would handle situations that should have 
been private. Yeah you don't need to tell the world everything 
people. Be the bigger person and not rag about someone who did wrong to you!
Its really not fair and it makes you look bad, not them. 

I hate the language and the lack of grammar use. 
No wonder America is going downhill. 
There is no sense of propriety and we sound like idiots. 
I really don't need to see swearing on facebook mainly the mother of swear words. 
Yeah. you don't need to share that! 

I don't want to be apart of the brag fest anymore. 
Facebook has turned into well you may be doing that
but I'm doing something that's so much better than you. 
You may have gotten that for Christmas but my gift is so much better. 

So some may say I deleted facebook for attention but I did it for myself. 
I was spending to much time and every time I got on.
I would feel like crap because so and so was doing this or I didn't have what they had.
So I'm focusing on things that make me happy.
I want to be at my best.
At this time it means facebook needs to be out of my life for a while. 

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