Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Whats in a name?

I use to hate my name. 
It was so different than everybody else's name, I would give myself "other" names.

Then I embraced my name. 
I was the only Chloe in High School. 
I got into college most people really hadn't heard that name before.
I got told how cute my name was or what a hot name that was. 

I embraced it because its unique and it connected me to my love of French.
If you want to get all technical the E in Chloe should have two dots above it. 

And I got some awesome nicknames that made me love my name more, some not so much.
Favorites: Chlojo{cousin came up with it and stuck with my dad and brother},
 Chlo{it just comes naturally}, Chloester {my bff from high school came up with this one}. 
Not so great: Chelo{my hometeacher said that, i hated him, and then I became best friends with him}
C-Lo { It reminds of a big fat guy, and the only reason I was okay with it at
 first was because the guy I liked came up with it}

So I'm proud of my name. There is a lot more I could go on about my name.
But you really don't want to read all of my ramblings 

What are some of you favorite things about your name?

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