Thursday, May 31, 2012

the ugly about it all

This isn't a happy post.
I feel like crap. 
And crazy as it sounds I can't help it. 
Why thyroid! WHY!
And today I realize I'm going to have moments 
like this the rest of my life. Joy.

And the thing that scares me is I have no motivation to my homework. 
I want to crawl into my bed, cry and cry and cry, and just sleep. 
That or punch some one in the face and just completely destroy 
something with a bat or  shotgun (wow that sounds really cryptic and bad).
Since having my thyroid fix I haven't felt like this in a long time.
And I'm super frustrated because I have been taking care of myself.

During my off track I found out my thyroid problem could cause depression. 
And in my case we've always thought I've always just had anxiety which is a form of depression.
But once my thyroid was working again I was good happy and didn't need to take
medication for that. And now this. 
My thyroid is throwing me a curve ball once again. 
I'm pretty sure my levels are out of balance and its making me hate the world. 

And I have to face this the rest of my life. 
Its not going to be fixed when I snap my fingers.
Wish it was like that but its not. That's how life is. 
So if you see me, give me a hug and tell me everything will be okay.

I really I need it. 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

contact me...

and you can contact me at

I'm excited to help you in fulfilling all of your design needs. 
I can't wait to here from you.

Memorial Weekend

For memorial day weekend I went home to good ol' Oakley Idaho!
Its probably the best trip ever because I was home from Thursday night to Monday night. 
Life does not get any better. I'm pretty sure of it. 
Nothing like coming home and helping your mom with her homework. 
And pretty much bringing enough to stuff to live back at home again. 

 {Who knew I was such a girl when it came to packing. Its disgusting I know}

 {Just when I thought I had seen everything with nutella and
 they have this going on! YUM!}

I got to plan what we were going to do for memorial weekend. 
After two failed attempts to go else where we found a place where
laser tag and mini golf could be played. It was probably the best thing my family happened upon. 

 {Team green. We lost miserably. What do you expect if my dad just keeps shooting my mom
and my mom just stands there}

{The whole gang!}

 {I was trying to channel some Kristen Wigg here and everybody else is just weird}

{Lauren wanted her picture taken and this is what I got} 

{Finishing up the day with popcorn, rootbeer floats, some Johnny English, and a
dog who wouldn't hold still}

And to finish of the whole experience I got to pull weeds. 
Nothing says I love you like your parents having you pull weeds. 
It was a total blast to be home and a good thing to be home because it got 
my mom thinking I should go to the doctor.
I love my family.
I can't wait to have some more fun come Father's Day Weekend!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's talk wedding announcements...

All announcements are customizable. 
Don't worry I can create a completely new and unique
 announcement that fits your flair and personality. 

{This is an actual announcement I made for a close friend and old roommate of mine. 
She wanted something different. Never seen anything like it so it was a very
good challenge. I painted the picture and did some touch ups using CS5.5}

{The idea for this one came from experimentation. 
I was thinking of an over all Citrus theme for the wedding.
Different and fun!}* 

{Navy Blue and Yellow my favorite. Colors can change. 
 A classic take on a wedding announcement with a little fun
added to it with the font Lobster.}*

{Save the Date Card. Made it for my roommate for fun. 
Just a simple idea of announcing your marriage. Place 
engagement picture on back maybe. Can be in different colors too.}

{I have a slight obsession with the Lobster font, its very well designed.
Fun green and purple theme. And you just have to laugh at the couple!
They are just so cute and so nonexistent}

{The idea for this one came from stamps and how they overlap
when you place them on paper. Love the fun fuchsia and white together
with the light brown background. Fun but elegant}*

-All are my own work. Please do not copy without my permission.
*Most names are ones I just came up with. And if its your actual name that's merely coincidence.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

chloe v. design

Okay so the big news is I have decided I am going to start doing freelance design work. 
I'm working out prices and such{Doing some research}. 
I'll have some wedding announcements and other work on the blog soon. 
The image above is a blog header I designed for my lovely cousin Chelsie.
So what can I do? Excellent question. 

I can design:
announcements{ wedding, baby, 
showers, graduation, ect. }
business cards
t-shirts for camps, reunions, ect. 
and so much more but I can't think of anything else at the top of my head. 

So you can contact me at
{I'll be getting a new one just for this new design adventure}
We'll talk prices and getting the design just right for you!

good things

Coming home for the weekend.
Thank goodness I don't have class on Friday so I can leave Thursday afternoon. 

Watching the Office before bed. 

Design, Design, Design.
 An announcement coming soon. 

Spending the day with the family trying to find something to do 
in good ol' Twin Falls. Laser Tag was the big win. 
Even though my mom and I lost. 

Getting new shorts for summer from one of my favorite stores. 

TOMS shoes best thing ever. They have become my favorite shoes for sure.

Canada Dry and Pretzels. Perfect for food poisoning. 


Reading Dr. Suess in French.
Poisson Un. Poisson Deux. Poisson Rouge. Poisson Bleu. 

Patriarchal Blessing. One of the greatest blessings. I've been reading over it a lot. 
I'm truly a blessed girl for sure. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dear Boy {32}

Dear Runner Guy,
I don't think it was obvious at all
that you would left up your shirt
and look over at me and smile
while at the park. You flatter
yourself to much. And yes you
did have nice abs. That is all.
-just the girl awkwardly smiling at you from the swings

Dear Washington,
You have my number so
call me maybe.
-runner girl

Dear Boys,
I've started to label you from where
your from cause I detect some attitude
similarities depending on what state
you are from. No hard feeling just
observing from the side lines. You can
label me all you want.

Dear Boy,
Don't let me ever question why.
Lets watch the sun set and don't
ever, ever let me go.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

quand notre monde est vert

Summer is here and I've got a bucket list for this summer. 
Cause summer is fun and college is fun. 
So summer and college together should be super fun!

I want to:

go to all the caves in the area
hit up Mesa Falls
go fly kites
blow some bubbles in the park
ride the carousel at porter park
go bridge jumping 
float the river
go boating of course
city of rocks adventure
have a big bonfire party at the dunes 
go play at egin lake
cliff jumping at derkies, oakley and ririe dam
mud fight/mud volleyball and football
maybe a pudding fight
horseback riding
paint fight
paint twister

So basically anything out in the sun and some getting dirty.
Its adventure time kids, lets go out and play!

Monday, May 21, 2012

good things

Answers to Prayers.

Bike rides by myself to nature park. Being by the water
and with the ducks is pretty serene. 

Being alone. It doesn't mean I'm lonely it just means 
I'm okay with doing things by myself. 

Talking on the phone with some of my favorite people: Mom, Alba, Shane. 

Going for it. Not leaving myself to question why. 

Crying for the first time in a long time. 

When in Rome - my go to movie when I think things aren't working out with a guy.

New Fongs-sweet and sour chicken has become my favorite. 

Going into every day that it will be better than the last. 

Listening to the Wicked Soundtrack. I want to go see it live on Broadway again. 

Being happy when everything is going wrong and not giving up because
people tell me to do otherwise. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dear Boy {31}

Its been a while. I'm sorry life has been quite uneventful lately.
So I give this to you somewhat early.

Dear AZ,
You should get my number sometime.
Just sayin'!

Dear Guy in Library,
I don't know why you were raised to be
so forward but I don't want to partake
in that footsie you were trying to do
with my feet. Gross!
-i don't think so

Dear J,
I miss our text conversations.
I miss your wise advice for me.
I miss you calling and talking to
me and making me laugh.
What happened?

Dear Boy,
Everyday I miss you and wonder what
will  happen in the future. There is a kind
of beauty that comes with uncertainty
and I'm learning to enjoy it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

for moms and women

Everyday I'm grateful for my mom. Today is just extra special.
My mom is one of the main reasons why I really want to be mom
and thats what I want to do more than anything in the world. 
More than being a graphic designer.  She has raised me in a way
that makes me grateful everyday for who I am. I'm glad I chose 
my mom and she chose me. I'm glad she is my best friend. 

I think motherhood is the greatest roles a woman can be. As I've
been studying The Family, I've realized the responsibility 
Heavenly Father has given to women. They are to care and 
nurture their children. I know many critize the Church of 
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as being unfair and sexist 
because women don't have the priesthood and other things 
but the list could go on for ever. Women have their own divine
role. A glorious role of bearing children and teaching
and nurturing children. It astounds me when women give
that up. When they don't want to be a mom.

Mothers are important. Women are important in the plan of God. 
So women and girls be proud of your divine role and be glad that
Heavenly Father has given you an important role in his plan. 
Be a woman of God. 

"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity." 
-Margaret D. Nadauld 

Mothers, daughters, wives, grandmothers, and friends. Be proud that you are or will be mom. 
Where would we be if it weren't for our mothers. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dear Boy {30} trente

Dear AZ,
You've peaked my interested.

Dear Typography Boys,
Even though most of you are married
you are my favorite. I have so much
fun in class with you!
-young graphic designer

Dear shirtless long-boarder.
You. Are. Fine!! Like Fiiinnee!
Same time tomorrow?
-girl on the swings

Dear S,
PLEASE come and visit
sometime. I want to chat
it up so bad! I miss you
so much!

Dear chapstick,
I'm so glad you are willing to
make out with me all the
-chapped lips

Thursday, May 10, 2012

i needed a good laugh today.

I had an epic fail this morning and I needed the giggles to make me feel better. 

I love Betty White! haha

funny but sad.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

this one time i was pretending to be awkward

Now I realize I'm just pretty awkward all the time. 
I hope there is still hope for me!

Have a good laugh. 
Its Tuesday. You're still a live. That's 2 good reasons to smile. 
Watching this video could be your 3rd good reason. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

good things

Brother Franson is the best teacher ever. 
Take any of his classes if you can. 
He expects a lot but super hilarious. 

I didn't know how funny President Boyd K. Packer was
until today at regional stake conference. 

Being able to go home for Mothers Day this weekend. 
I can't wait to spend the weekend with the woman that has
taught me about life. 

Mattress surfing. Yes I can do that at my apartment. 

My wonderful, awesome, fantastic roommates. 
Its been a wonderful 3 weeks so far. 
Thanks Jenna, Whitney, Kelcie, Kristen, and Linds. 

The beauty of certainty.

Talking to my sweet, dear friend Alba.
She gives the best guy advice. 

Movie Nights with friends. So much fun.

Mega Mind. Need I say more! 

And this song...
It reminds me I shouldn't be sacred and just take a chance.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dear Boy {29} vingt à neuf

Dear Boys,
Please explain the purpose of
getting my number. I feel like
I'm a game you're playing.
-yeah your not getting it this time

Dear boys on campus,
I wish I was your girlfriend
just so I can break up with
p.s. just kidding for most of you

Dear Boy,
I didn't know how to say the words.
I got nervous, played the sarcastic
card and I seemed kinda mean.
I'm sorry, I should have left before
either of us got hurt.

Dear Bed,
I'm grateful you are good with
this noncommittal stuff. It makes
my life easier.
-dedicated sleeper

Dear Dad,
Thanks for being a constant
in my life. Thanks for always
making sure I'm happy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I just have to share what music is just rockin' my world right now. 
I know this is what you've been dying to know. 

{love the dropped voice biebs!}

{love, love me some ingrid}

{my roommate introduced me to josh and i'm in love}

{i dance to this with my dance partner Rafael, who's imaginary}

{super cute}

{this is not a drive by}

You're Welcome. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

not giving up.

I've been listening to conference talks on my iPod as I walk to class. 
I've been looking for peace and comfort. 
I've been struggling with some classes(2 in particular) and friends. 
I've been feeling alone. 
When it got to the end of the Sunday Morning session something happened. 
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing came on. 
I started crying, tears of joy that things will get better. 
I was reminded of the love my Savior had for me. 
He sacrificed himself so I could overcome these feelings. 
I could be happy because of His atonement. 
The pain, sadness, frustration, and loneliness could be taken away. 
I could overcome these trails. 
I can't give up because the Savior didn't give up on me. 
I have made mistakes and will make a couple hundred more.
 Heavenly Father still loves me. 
Christ made up the difference for me.
I will make it through this semester. 
I have a testimony. 
And that is enough for me to not give up.
Enough for me to keep going. 

Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Hither by Thy help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above.

Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee:
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here's my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above.