Sunday, May 27, 2012

good things

Coming home for the weekend.
Thank goodness I don't have class on Friday so I can leave Thursday afternoon. 

Watching the Office before bed. 

Design, Design, Design.
 An announcement coming soon. 

Spending the day with the family trying to find something to do 
in good ol' Twin Falls. Laser Tag was the big win. 
Even though my mom and I lost. 

Getting new shorts for summer from one of my favorite stores. 

TOMS shoes best thing ever. They have become my favorite shoes for sure.

Canada Dry and Pretzels. Perfect for food poisoning. 


Reading Dr. Suess in French.
Poisson Un. Poisson Deux. Poisson Rouge. Poisson Bleu. 

Patriarchal Blessing. One of the greatest blessings. I've been reading over it a lot. 
I'm truly a blessed girl for sure. 

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