Monday, August 13, 2012


So I work at scale house, where I interact with truck drivers on a daily basis. And for the most part most of them can't speak English so they can't really talk to me. Which for the most part is how I like it. All of them are way older than me {granted I should have worn the fake ring in the past two years} and they are pretty respectful. Well today was pretty normal until some 16 year old started hauling for I'm guessing for a grandfather or uncle or somebody in his ward started flirting with me. And of course I'm totally oblivious when I'm actually flirting. The kid seemed to be hitting on me. After that happened and even my co-scale person even agreed with me when I said what just happened there was he hitting on me? So yeah eh...what?! just happened to me today. I don't whether to feel flatter to be some boy's infatuation or feel disgusted because I'm some hormone raged high school boys whatever. I digress.Well my coworker says I should own it and flaunt it. Geez. Boys. Yeah thats as exciting as my days get at Scale House.

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