Sunday, November 4, 2012

give thanks


You know how everyone is doing that one thing they are thankful for everyday of November (because some people like to take part in Thanksgiving...ok I'm off my soapbox now.)? Well I've decided I want to do it to but I'm going to do it weekly on my blog. 

November 1st:
I'm grateful for my Teachings of the Living Prophets class. I am learning so much about the great men who are mouthpieces of the Lord. God has given them to us so we are never walking blindly through this life and so we can return to our Heavenly Father.

November 2nd:
I'm grateful for the job that I was able to get this semester. It has been one of the greatest blessings in my. It has helped me so much and I'm glad I have something extra to keep me busy. I love the people that I work with and the atmosphere that I work it. Everyone is so nice and everybody likes each other and their is no drama as far as I know. 

November 3rd:
I'm grateful for sleeping in. For a while at the beginning of the semester I didn't have to wake up early because of my classes. Then classes got changed and then I got a job and I had to start getting up earlier. I love my sleep and I'm grateful for sleeping in and the that daylight savings is coming to an end! 

November 4th: 
I'm super duper grateful for my papa! Today is his birthday and if he hadn't born well I would be half a person which is weird to think about. He is always taking care of me even while I'm living Rexburg and far away from home. He has been a good example to me and he's one of my hero's. He's set the bar pretty high for whoever I end up marrying. 

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