Sunday, March 31, 2013

I can do all things in Christ.

There is a reason that I  love Easter and Christmas so much. The reason is Christ and what He taught us by coming to this Earth. A few years ago I posted this. It is one of the best illustrations of what the Atonement actually is.

I know Christ came to this Earth to teach us how to become like our Father in Heaven. I know Christ came to this Earth because He loved us all very, very much and wanted to help us. I know Christ came to this Earth not only to atone for our many, many sins but also for our pain, infirmities, sicknesses, and feelings of being alone. I know He loved me so much He offered Himself so I could return home to my Heavenly Father and to Him. I know that through my struggles that Christ will always be there to help. I am never alone because of Him. I can know that someone went through this before. He went through it to know me physically. I can become perfect through Him.  I can be resurrected someday and hopefully live in His presents. I know Jesus Christ lives. I know He conquered death and sin. Through Christ I can do anything. I never feel alone knowing He loves me and as a older brother He provided a wonderful example. I know Christ lives, I know He loves, I know I can do hard things with His help, and I know I will someday perfected in Him. I know and I believe.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Testament: Jesus is Greater Than Angels | Hebrews 1&2

In these chapters we learn about Christ. Why he came to this Earth, his power, what is purpose was on this Earth. I liked the insights that I have gained from these two chapters. 

What is Jesus Superior?

Jesus Christ is superior to angels, Moses, High Priests of Moses, and the Aaronic priesthood. 

What are three truths that can be found in Chapter 1 of Hebrews?

1-Jesus Christ atoned for our sins, so we could be clean of sin. 
2-We are created in God's image, Jesus Christ is in the image of our Father. 
3-God Speaks to us by of his Prophets
4-Christ created al the worlds

Christ came to this Earth to gain a mortal experience just like us. A mortal experience of trails, pain, and affliction. He needed to come to this Earth to receive a body of flesh and blood. Christ needed to come to this Earth to atone for the sins of His brothers and sisters, to understand how to help them better. If he hadn't done the atonement He would have only known as spiritually. By sacrificing Himself He was able to understand us physically. By understanding us physically He is able to be merciful towards and understand how to be able to succor HIs people. He knows why we sin, what we are feeling, our pains, and our trails. He came to this earth so he had a better understanding of how He could help us. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

New Testament: Baptism | Romans 6

What must be done with sin before baptism can occur?

Stop committing and living in sin. We should not continue in sin.

What events from Christ's life are symbolized in baptism?

Death, Burial, and Resurrection

Considering this symbolism, why couldn't someone be baptized by sprinkling?

The whole body needs to be covered. Sprinkling doesn't get the whole body covered. "Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. Sprinkling does not destroy the body of sin like baptism submersed in water.

What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the "newness of life"?

As I understand it, because of the symbolism of baptism when we are baptized and we repent our bodies of sin die and we are reborn of Christ. Just like resurrection. Baptism signifies the end of an old life and a beginning of a new life. Our life is new when we repent and start going on a new path of righteousness making us new. Life is "new" again each time we repent and realign ourselves to Christ.

According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism?

The natural man, who is an enemy of God

We know whose servant we are by knowing who we obey. If we obey God, we are His servants. If we obey Satan by committing sins and lusting after sin, we are his servants when we are servants of sin we are not free. We are free from being righteous but we aren't truly free. When we are righteous, we are free from sin. Verse 18 states "Being then made free from sin, yes became the servants of righteousness." The trust will set us free. The gospel of Christ is the truth that makes us free.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

New Testament: Forgiveness | 2 Corinthians 2:1-11

What were the people of Corinth commanded to do "if any have caused grief"?
The Corinths are commanded to forgive that person and to forgive that person. Rather be overcome with sorrow or get mad at that person forgive them and love them.

What blessings do we see if we forgive?
The Lord has commanded that if we forgive others of their trespasses the Lord will forgive us of our trespasses. If it weren't for the atonement the Lord wouldn't forgive us. Because of the atonement we are able to forgive others. To me it makes perfect sense that we are required to forgive because Jesus Christ supplied the mercy for God to forgive us. If Jesus Christ can do that for us it shouldn't be that hard for us. We are also able to us Christ Love to help forgive those that have heard us. I have felt that blessing when I have tried to forgive other that have really hurt. I like what verse 10 in 2 Corinthians says, "To who ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ." Through Christ we'll be able to forgive anyone.  The atonement is great not just for repentance but also for forgiveness as well.

What is the danger in failing to forgive?
When we choose to not forgive we fall into the danger of not being forgiven by Christ and our Heavenly Father and we fall into the trap Satan. Satan does not want us to forgive. He wants us to live in contention and to be fighting with each other continually. If we don't forgive we don't progress and become more like Christ and our Heavenly parents. When we don't forgive we are contributing to a type of pride we don't want to have. Selfish pride, the pride to not put down our selfish feelings for being the better person and just loving the other person. 
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Sunday, March 10, 2013


I was surprised and really proud when my best friend Sharla said she was working on her papers to go on a mission. I never thought she would go but when she told me I knew she was going to be an incredible missionary. I anticipated the day when she would get her call. I was excited for her, she was going to go change people's lives. I was shocked like the next person when she got called to the Washington, Seattle mission. I cried when she opened it and said that she got to serve the Lord as a missionary for the Church Jesus Christ.

Sharla and I met when we first assigned to live in an apartment together our first semester of college. I never expected Sharla and I to get as close as we did. We were friends and we were roommates and I don't know what happened but all of sudden we were close. Actually I know what happened. My room roommate drove me up the wall that semester and I confined in Sharla. I loved that Sharla accepted me for who I was and wanted to be my friend. She was a friend that made me feel important just like I tried to make her feel important because she is my friend. Truth be told of those who know me, she's the one that corrupted me. (I love you Shar!). I've learned a lot of things from Sharla but most importantly that I could find another best friend while I was at college.  I didn't think anyone could be my best friend like Josi was or even replace Josi. She didn't replace Josi and nobody will ever replace Josi but my heart was able to grow more. I could be bests friends with more than one person. I could be best friends with a girl that I never thought I would be friends with. Sharla taught me about the atonement that God knows what you need and He gave me Sharla when I really needed a friend when I felt lost my first Semester.  Sharla has taught to be kind to everyone, being silly together can solve a lot things, laughing cures a broken heart, having a boyfriend isn't everything, to be faithful in the gospel, and how to be a true friend. I'm going to miss our phone calls and face time while she is out in the mission field. I don't know what I'm going to do about boys because she has the greatest advice. But their are people in the Seattle Mission that need to hear the gospel from her. Get to know her vibrant spirit. She is going to be a fantastic missionary and she'll work really hard while she is out serving. I know that for a fact because she is a wonderful friend. I hope she knows how proud I am of her. She's helped me grow in so many ways. Sharla thanks for being my best friend and always believing in me even when I had a hard time believing in myself. :) I love you to death! You'll be a rockin' sister missionary.

(Sorry there are no recent pictures of Sharla and I. I wish we did but we'll have to wait until she gets back!)

The Fellowship of the Unashamed| By Dr. Bob Moorehead

My awesome old roommate that is serving the Lord in the Eugene Oregon sent me this poem. I love it and I can't wait to design it once I buy Adobe Creative Sweep! I'm so glad to see that she is doing well! I'm really glad she shared it with me.

I am a part of the fellowship of the Unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit
Power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has
been made. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow
down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense,
and my future is secure. I am finished and done with low living, sight
walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tame visions,
mundane talking, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or
popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised,
regarded, or rewarded. I now live by presence, learn by faith, love by
patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power.

My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my
way is rough, my companions few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.
I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, diluted,
or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the
presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the
pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of

I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up until I've preached up, prayed
up, paid up, stored up, and stayed up for the cause of Christ. I am a
disciple of Jesus Christ. I must go until He returns, give until I drop,
preach until all know, and work until He comes.

And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My
colors will be clear for "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the
power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.." 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

New Testament:Proper Authority and Ministering to the People| Acts 19 & 20

These two chapters go over Paul's time with the Corinthians. In these two chapters Paul uses the power of the priesthood for five different things: baptism, bestowing the Holy Ghost,  Healing/casting out evil spirits, blessing & passing the sacrament, and raising a young man from the dead. The importance of these two chapters is the priesthood being exercise in the proper way with the proper authority. 

What did Paul do for the Corinthian saints because it hadn't been done right the first time?

Paul baptizes the Corinthians in the name of Jesus Christ after the manner of Jon the Baptist. He also bestows upon them the gift of the Holy Ghost since they didn't not receive that earlier. They needed to be baptized in the proper way. 

How does this answer the question many nonmembers have about the need of being baptized when they have already been baptized? 

Baptism needs to be done in the correct ay through the Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. If it isn't done in the correct way then the baptism in a sense is not valid and it is as though it truly didn't happen. In order for the baptism to be standing and valid it need to be done in the correct way in the proper name in the proper authority. 

In what way does Paul bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost?

By the laying on of hands with the power of the priesthood. 

On what day of the week did the Saints meet to break bread? What evidence is there in John 20:1,19 for why the sabbath day was changed.

The saints met on the first day of the week to break bread and partake of the sacrament. It was changed to the day that Christ had risen from the tom and showed himself unto Mary Magdalen and the twelve apostles. I think the reason it changed is the signfigance that Christ conquered on and death by sacrificing His body and blood, what the sacrament symbolizes. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thoughts While Watching Emmit

When my good friend Taja announced on FB she needed someone to watch Emmit I had to jump at the chance. I was just working and taking a few classes and I had missed the chance to see her and her litle family while they were still in Rexburg. Taja let me know that she was comfortable with me watching Emmit for a half hour. I was so excited. 

While watching sweet little Emmit I have gotten to think a lot. He's gotten so big just over the course of  2 months that I have watched him.  I love watching him explore and look at things with amazement. My favorite is when he people watches or when he's trying to talk while he sucks on his fingers.  Sometimes its been just a little embarrassing, him crying in the library, I can't get him to stop because I'm not mom, and people are starring. Watching him has made me realized how excited I am to be a mother. Before I have always wanted to be a mom but know I really am super excited and utterly can't wait to be a mom. I want to see my child get excited to see me like Emmit gets excited when he can see mom. I want to be their for the milestones of my children, crawling, making jabber, playing with toys, pulling themselves up, trying to walk while they hold their hang on to your hands. I want to experience the love a mother has for her child. How exciting is that. I know that someday it will come and I'll try my hardest to be patient. Trust me there have been plenty of times when I'm with Emmit in the Mckay Library and people come up to me and say, "Your baby is  socute." And each time I want to say thank you and claim him as mine but thats just weird and frankly its kind of wrong. I just polite say oh I'm just the baby sitter but he is really cute isn't he. Ha but a girl like me can dream and suppress her baby hunger. At least I get to watch little Emmit, which has been one of my greatest things I have gotten to do this semester. 

I just hope I can be a good mother like I see Taja is to Emmit, like my friends' moms were to them, and how my own mom was for me. I can't wait to use the creative power Heavenly Father has given me at the right time, in the right way. Men may have the power of the priesthood but they don't have the same kind of bond a mother has with a child. I can't wait to pregnant, to be connected to Heavenly Father with raising His precious child He has trusted me with. I wish more women understand their role better, and not just throw it away because they think some guy is going to boost their self-esteem. When I've watched Emmit, I have felt the Holy Ghost testify to me the importance of woman in God's plan and how I need to continually stay worthy so I can be apart of that plan. Being a Graphic Designer is going to be awesome and I look forward to what the future holds in that but being a mother is going to a be an even more amazing job. Isn't Emmit such a handsome guy, he's quite the charmer too. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Thing About Bad Days

"In a hundred small ways, all of you wear the mantle of charity. Life is perfect for none of us. Rather than being judgmental and critical of each other, may we have the pure love of Christ for our fellow travelers in this journey through life. May we recognize that each one is doing her/his best to deal with the challenges which come her/his way, and may we strive to do our best to help out."

President Thomas S. Monson (Charity Never Faileth, General Relief Society Meeting 2010)

Sometimes I wish we as humans were a little more understanding of each other. I little more tolerant and a little more charitable of others. I know I may seem like I'm preaching to the choir but this is something I try to do every single day. To not be quick to judge and sometimes that is hard.  Trust me I have had plenty of experiences of where I misjudged someone way to quickly and got a good kick in the butt for it. I try not to judge because I know every once in a while someone is having a bad day or they are up against something big and they do not need me to be critical of them and I would expect the same from them about me.

I have had multiple of bad days lately just with all my doctor drama, feeling lonely, and winter is not the best time of the year for me. And I have had some great friends and not so great friends through this. Friends that just let me feel the pain, allow me the time heal and get over it, and do what ever they can to make me feel better. They constantly checked up on me and made sure I was still living. Family took extremely good care of me and patiently waited for me to come back to normal. While other friends just didn't make an effort or expected a lot out of me or they thought that my not feeling was me getting mad and making a judgement on something they didn't completely understand. I was a little upset in how they treated the situation. It made me feel worse. Why didn't they just help me feel better, why did they have judge me. They weren't taking the time to really know me in first place. But I didn't let that get me down completely. I took it as a learning experience that I should never do that to anyone. I shouldn't be quick to judge when someone is having a bad day. I am starting to feel better, I'm still having moments where I'm not feeling the greatest but my true friends have been patient and understanding.

Bad days aren't going to go away. There will always be trails in our lives. Its a matter of our attitude and the charity of others that will help us. Maybe we do need to be a little more patient with each other; be more willing to help. Each of us is doing our best like President Monson says, I know I am doing the best I can and it doesn't help when somebody makes a judgement about me that isn't true. Why don't we help each other when we are having bad day. Why don't we stop making quick judgements because really we don't know the real story. We don't know what's truly going on in each others lives. We are just seeing what people are trying to make the best of their situation.

Let's (myself included) be a little more charitable. Let's be a little kinder to those we come in contact to. Let's not easily be riled up but be quick to help each other a little more. Let's make everyones' day a little better and believe we can help each other out a little more.  We could all try a little harder to be a little better. The thing about bad days is we could help each other so they weren't so bad anymore.

"And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."
Moroni 7:45 

Change of Pace

Photo: Yup. That short! #short #haircut #changingitup

I've decided its time for changes. Changes in me. Its time to be better and to not do just enough to get me by. Its time to love me for being crazy, awkward me. Its time to liberate my inner awesomeness. Focus on the things I can control instead of the things I can't. Its time to focus on me and that may seem selfish but I think as human beings we need to do it to find out who we are and what we want to be. What we need to change within ourselves to make us better and to be better for others. That doesn't mean you just ignore everyone else. Just explore who I am and how I can help and serve those around me.

Change has always been a hard thing for me and as I get older the more I embrace it. Change means you are getting better most of the time. You've learned from your mistakes. So put your focus on the changes that will make you better by focusing on the right things. Focus on the things you can control! Which is another hard thing for me. I tend to focus on the the things I can't control and then I end up a broken mess on the floor. Which isn't fun and nobody wants to be apart of that party at all.

Focus on the things you can control {this is kind of the list thats in my journal}:

-Attitude is everything, it can make or break you. Make it great, joyful, and proud.

-Physical health can affect a lot of things in your life. Get the endorphins pumping and start feeling better.
-With you working on your attitude and physical health its time to keep that emotional health in check too. Be happier because you want to be happier.

-Start working on some of those dreams you have. 

-On the parts of you want to improve. For me its my scripture reading, morning prayers and temple going. It can be anything. Attitude, a skill, or something that has challenged you in the past.

-Start being a better friend. I for one could be better about this. Me with ADD tends for me to forget about people when they aren't around. I've been good at it lately but I could do better.

-Work on your appearance. An old barn wouldn't hurt to have some new paint. Actually take care of yourself. I know sometimes its nice not to try but in the world we live in we do need to try.

-Forgive somebody that hurt your feelings. You'll surprising feel freer because you did it.

-Work on being a better son/daughter, sibling, friend, and neighbor.

-Be a better listener. With someone you actually know or a complete strange. Its important to be a better listener

-Being patient with yourself. One I'm constantly working on. I'm my own worst critic and I'm trying to change that.

-Look at how God measures you rather than how others measure you. His love is more infinite than theirs.

Stop paying dues to the jerk and start paying dues to yourself. Let your smile shine. Find people that understand the greatness that you hold because they will build you up when you make yourself crumble. They won't tear your dreams apart. Start focusing on how you can be happy. You owe it to yourself to cut out the bad and start focusing on what you can control. Stop telling yourself that you aren't going to worry about something because you are going to end up worrying about that one thing. Understand that you do have to change to make yourself better.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Testament: The Vision of Peter | Acts 10

I will be doing weekly posts about the New Testament for my religion class. Hopefully those who read this find my insights helpful for different chapters and books in the New Testament. We are studying from Acts to Revelation so do enjoy!

Acts 10:1-17, Acts 11:1-18

-Who appeared to Cornelius and what was his message?
An angel of the Lord appeared unto Cornelius. The angel tells Cornelius to send men to Joppa and to call upon Peter and have Peter come to Cornelius.

-What was Peter's reaction to the Lords command during his vision upon the housetop?
Peter was a little astonished that the Lord would ask him and tell him to eat something unclean and common. Due to the lifestyle of the Jews they didn't eat anything with an uncloven hoof and a number of other things that weren't "kosher". He was surprised the Lord would ask such a question. Peter hadn't done such a thing.

-Why did Peter react the way he did?
He reacted the way he did because he hadn't eaten anything that unclean and common. He thought the Lord was talking about eating things Peter shouldn't. Peter acts as if the Lord is accusing him, chastising him about something he didn't do. Peter didn't understand that the Lord was teaching him something else.

-Why do you think the Lord repeated the vision three times to Peter?
I believe the Lord repeated the vision to Peter three times because Peter was having a hard time understanding the vision, he was probably confused like Joseph Smith was when the messenger came to him three times. It was the Lord's way of ensuring Peter actually understood what he was seeing. Sometimes we need to be repeated to about something to understand what the Lord is telling us.

Acts 10:18-36, 44

-When Peter clearly understood the meaning of the vision, what did he declare?
"Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (He is Lord of al:)." (Acts 10:34-36)

-What does it mean that "God is no respecter of persons"?
It means God does not think more or less of a person. He respects all people. He wants everyone to hear the gospel. It doesn't matter the person is a jew, a gentile, or a citizen of the Roman Empire. He wants all people to hear the gospel and to become clean. He doesn't think more of one person over another person. He does not want a select few to know about Him, He wants all to know about him.

-How did the Holy Ghost assist the Jewish saints in understanding that the blessings of the gospel where to be available to all people at that time?
The Holy Ghost feel on all of those that would hear the words of Peter. From my reading in the manual it says that the Holy Ghost was used as a way of a convincing power. Since the people were not baptized, the Holy Ghost convinced the people of the power of God. The Holy Ghost was able to testify to all of those who were desirous to hear the word of God.