Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Change of Pace

Photo: Yup. That short! #short #haircut #changingitup

I've decided its time for changes. Changes in me. Its time to be better and to not do just enough to get me by. Its time to love me for being crazy, awkward me. Its time to liberate my inner awesomeness. Focus on the things I can control instead of the things I can't. Its time to focus on me and that may seem selfish but I think as human beings we need to do it to find out who we are and what we want to be. What we need to change within ourselves to make us better and to be better for others. That doesn't mean you just ignore everyone else. Just explore who I am and how I can help and serve those around me.

Change has always been a hard thing for me and as I get older the more I embrace it. Change means you are getting better most of the time. You've learned from your mistakes. So put your focus on the changes that will make you better by focusing on the right things. Focus on the things you can control! Which is another hard thing for me. I tend to focus on the the things I can't control and then I end up a broken mess on the floor. Which isn't fun and nobody wants to be apart of that party at all.

Focus on the things you can control {this is kind of the list thats in my journal}:

-Attitude is everything, it can make or break you. Make it great, joyful, and proud.

-Physical health can affect a lot of things in your life. Get the endorphins pumping and start feeling better.
-With you working on your attitude and physical health its time to keep that emotional health in check too. Be happier because you want to be happier.

-Start working on some of those dreams you have. 

-On the parts of you want to improve. For me its my scripture reading, morning prayers and temple going. It can be anything. Attitude, a skill, or something that has challenged you in the past.

-Start being a better friend. I for one could be better about this. Me with ADD tends for me to forget about people when they aren't around. I've been good at it lately but I could do better.

-Work on your appearance. An old barn wouldn't hurt to have some new paint. Actually take care of yourself. I know sometimes its nice not to try but in the world we live in we do need to try.

-Forgive somebody that hurt your feelings. You'll surprising feel freer because you did it.

-Work on being a better son/daughter, sibling, friend, and neighbor.

-Be a better listener. With someone you actually know or a complete strange. Its important to be a better listener

-Being patient with yourself. One I'm constantly working on. I'm my own worst critic and I'm trying to change that.

-Look at how God measures you rather than how others measure you. His love is more infinite than theirs.

Stop paying dues to the jerk and start paying dues to yourself. Let your smile shine. Find people that understand the greatness that you hold because they will build you up when you make yourself crumble. They won't tear your dreams apart. Start focusing on how you can be happy. You owe it to yourself to cut out the bad and start focusing on what you can control. Stop telling yourself that you aren't going to worry about something because you are going to end up worrying about that one thing. Understand that you do have to change to make yourself better.


  1. I loved this! I'm embracing the same changes. You're a very special person. <3

  2. Exactly what I needed to read! I love you, gorgeous girl!
