Tuesday, April 16, 2013





In 2009 I fell in love with a beautiful city, Boston. It has since been my dream to return. I loved being in Boston. Its one of my favorite cities. Boston was tragically targeted for some unknown reason but that does not stop what I am feeling today. 

Today I am grateful for the good people I see helping on the news. They prove that there is still good in the world. They prove that we can still care for each other and help each other. For the human decency to help one another when tragedy happens. For thinking of others. 

Today I am grateful to be safe where I am. 

Today I am grateful that I can call my mom. Tell her how much I love her. 

Today I'm grateful for a nation that is willing to come together when something like this happens. 

Today I'm grateful for a president. I may not agree with every thing with him but I still respect him. I'm grateful we have some one to bring a nation together. That's what really matter.

Today I am grateful for a God who knows best. Who knew that 2 minutes in a marathon race time would make such a difference in a family.

Today I am grateful that I have faith. I have faith everything is going to be okay. Faith that I'll be protected by my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. For faith that their are good people in this world.

Today I am grateful for hope. Hope that people will be better. Hope that people will come together.

So today I run. I run for those affected by tragedy. I run because I have faith. I run because I believe that people will come together a midst tragedy. I know there will always be some sort of good in this world.  I run because I choose faith over fear.

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