Thursday, December 26, 2013

In a Year

In a year I have:

Got a car.
Chopped my hair and let it grow out.
Broken hearts including my own.
Didn't get along with people.
Loved people more than I thought I could.
Moved away from Rexburg.
Gotten a new start.
Over thought things.
Tried too hard.
Lost good friends.
Made new friends.
Made mistakes.
Been extremely sick and remarkably healthy.
Lived away from home and lived at home.
Moved twice in the matter of 4 weeks.
Received second chances.
Met people who have changed my life.
Taken risks.
Held on and let go.
Gave up and gave in.
Realized I deserve better than I think.
Forgiven myself.
Been loved.
Recieved help when I didn't deserve it.
Cried over lots of things.
Almost lost hope.
Rised up.
Learned to love myself again.
Been generous.
Remembered I'm enough and worthy to be loved.
Decided to be more patient with myself.
And let someone in.

This year as definitely been a crazy, stressful, terrifying and yet beautiful one. It's astonishing to me to look back, especially at the past summer, and see I survived and to know I'm in a lot better place. During the semester I honestly thought things would keep getting lousy and abhorrent. Some how my pleas with heaven were heard. I prayed everyday that things would improve, even by the smallest margin.

 I have to say that it is my best year so far, despite all the heartache and burning moments. Because I'm different. Different as in I'm better than I was January 1, 2013. I've learned how to be more patient with others, be more forgiving and understanding. I have a new purpose for myself. Mostly stressless and helps others know that they are loved. Granted I don't know how to not stress less and not to worry but it's definitely a work in progress. I still have bad days, and some how the bad days make good days taste even more sweet.

I've often asked myself, especially in 2013, why does God allow bad things to happen to good people. Bad things that could potentially cause a person to loose their faith in God. It's because ,like we have faith in Him, He has faith in us to become what He knows we can become. He knows the souls we need to touch and inspire.  He wants us to be more empathetic of each other. He wants us to help one another. He wants us to come closer to him. Heavenly Father wants us to know its okay to ask for help and that life isn't over when we seem to be in the face of defeat. He allows it because He knows easy paths don't create strong, loving, and beautiful people. He loves us enough to hurt us so we grow back stronger.

"Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees.
The further sky, the greater length.
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow"

I know life will continue to get better as we become stronger through the years. I look forward to this next year. It will have it's share of hardship, tears, joys and cheers. 2014 will be even better than 2013, I'm sure of it.

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