Monday, June 21, 2010

Been in Denial....

Recently I've finally realized I've been in denial about my facebooking.  I realize now I'm a facebook addict and its time to change that! I need to be more moderate about it.  This change was brought on by this month's edition of Ensign.  It talks about all the pro's and con's of internet, social networking and all that fun stuff.  The articles were so powerful.  I learned that when we spend to much time on the internet we are minimizing our wonderful bodies.  WE show we aren't grateful for that wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father when we waste it.  We lose important communication and relationship skills.  Did you know that when you speak more than 50% of it is all in tone and facial expression. You lose a lot of what you are really saying when you say it through a computer. When we spend to much time on the internet or even playing video games we subject ourselves to the devil.  We lose the holy ghost and forget who we really are.  We aren't a person any more.  Our bodies will cease to exist if we let it rule our lives.  And that makes Satan happy.  He doesn't have a body and he wants us to unhappy and miserable like unto himself.

Facebook can be a good thing.  You can talk to your friends that live far away, reconnect with old class mates, and keep in touch with family.  But facebook can also be a bad thing.  It can waste to much time and it can become addicting, like in my case.  It can make us unhappy because people are doing this and have that because they're bragging about it. We may become mad because we don't have that.  You can expose yourself more than  you need too.  It allows you to dim your light.  The light of Jesus Chirst.  When we waste our time and expose ourselves to much on facebook our Savior becomes disappointed in us.  This life isn't a time for compromises! Its the time to do whats right and to be worthy servants of our Heavenly Father.

This may seem blunt, I know it is but its truth.  Use the internet and facebook wisely!  I've been wrong for so many months and now I've come to realize how I should use facebook. I've been abusing it and that not fair.  Heed to the Latter Day Prophets words in using moderation and in a positive manner.  Don't live you life half way by throwing it a way on the internet!

Things you could do instead of spending to much time on facebook or the internet
  1. Read your scriptures
  2. Go over scripture mastery
  3. Exercise 
  4. Cook
  5. Sew
  6. Play an instrument- for me the piano
  7. Draw a picture
  8. Paint a Picture
  9. Spend time with your family
  10. Read a good book
  11. Write a letter to a missionary- in my case my cousin Tyler whose in Alabama
  12. Learn or improve a foreign language-  I would like to improve my Spanish and learn French or Portuguese
  13. Family History
  14. Go Visiting or Home Teaching
  15. Fulfill your church calling
  16. Write in your journal
  17. Make a more efficient budget for yourself or family
  18. Clean and Organize your room
  19. Jump on the Trampoline 
  20. Weed the garden
  21. Do service
  22. Personal Progress (Moms' and Young Women)
  23. Read Preach My Gospel
  24. Read the Strength of Youth
  25. Play with the dog or cat- any pet that you have
  26. Make a schedule Play with a younger sibiling
  27. Have a face to face conversation
  28. Do your homework (when ever your in school)
  29. Go for a hike
  30. Tell somebody you love them in person
  31. Sleep (night)
  32. Family Home Evening
  33. Take a picture to share with others
  34. Go to the Temple Grounds to Think
  35. Go swimming
  36. Star Gaze with somebody
  37. Cloud Watch
  38. Jump in a pile of leaves (Fall)
  39. Make a snow man, fort, or angel (winter)
  40. Visit a museum 
  41. Go fishing
  42. Roast Marshmellow and make smores
  43. Write a note to somebody who has made a difference in you life
  44. Clean the yard, bathroom, kitchen, any where that needs to be cleaned.
  45. Go on a picnic
  46. Play a board game
  47. Go for a bike ride
  48. Make a list of what you could be doing instead of...
  49. Write down your goals - a goal is a wish until you write it down!
  50. Go to ward activities, institute, mutual, enrichment night, Stake Activities 
  51. Tell someone about the gospel of Jesus Christ
  52. Share your testimony
  53. Listen to a friend
  54. Make a scrapbook
  55. Finish unfinished projects
  56. Go on a date - heck I would be willing to pay for that one
  57. Go Dancing
  58. Fix your hair a new way
  59. Read Ensign, New Era, or Friend
  60. Wash your face
  61. Catch mice
  62. Eat healthy food
  63. Plan a Vacation - I would plan one to Paris, Boston, or Logan
  64. Create Something - possibilities limitless
  65. Be a friend to somebody who needs one
  66. Try a new food
  67. Climb a Tree
  68. Ride a horse
  69. Climb Rocks
  70. Read your Patriarchal Blessing
  71. Listen to stories of the past
  72. Jump in a creek
  73. Go to a yard sale- find a treasure
  74. Wash your hair
  75. Overcome a fear
  76. Make a dream board
  77. Write a song, poem, or a silly story
  78. See a Scenic view
  79. Was the vehicles at your house
  80. Duty to God (Young Men)
  81. Get your Eagle Scout Project done (Young Men)
  82. Plant a garden
  83. Bird Watch
  84. Make a sweet treat
  85. Plant a tree, bush or flower
  86. Make a pillow 
  87. Paint a Picture
  88. Write a list of heroes in your life
  89. Make up a new dance
  90. Improve your dance skills - I want to get better at swing
  91. Learn a new dance - Salsa anybody?
  92. Go roller skating
  93. Make a music video with friends to a favorite song
  94. Get in a water ballon fight
  95. Heck you can kiss your significant other (eg husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, I think you get the point)
  96. Play basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, football, Frisbee, softball, volleyball or anything you can think of
  97. Make silly faces in the mirror
  98. Lay in the middle of the road
  99. Play "your team, my team"
  100. Dance in the rain
  101. make cookies
  102. jump into a pile of pillows
  103. look at old family pictures
  104. forgive somebody
  105. List qualities you like about yourself - i love my eyes and my outgoingness (is that even a word)
  106. List qualities you want in a future spouse or list qualities you like about your spouse
  107. Design a dream home
  108. Pray
  109. Rock out in the privacy of your own room...pull some air guitar moves 
  110. look up long funny words
  111. blow bubbles
  112. Play night games
  113. Pick your favorite flowers- Daisies and Lavender for me
  114. Go shotgun shooting
  115. Go camping
Don't live your life half way!

Thursday, June 17, 2010 

This video made my day! It helped me realize good things can come you just need to believe.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Time

Its summer but apparently the weather hasn't got on to that yet.  It took a while for my summer to pick up thanks to the weather.  Pool opened late and weather wasn't the greatest for rye pulling either.  For the first week of June my family and I just sat around thinking of things to do. 

Now things have slowly picked up.  I started going to the Singles ward in Burley which has been really fun. I'm meeting a lot of new people.  Its quite different, I still don't classify myself as the "young single adult".  I have loved the time so far in the ward.
I  recently got my laptop. A Dell Studio 15. Merry Christmas and Happy Graduation to me.  It was totally worth the wait.  At Christmas time I was rather distraught that I really didn't get anything but now I'm glad I waited.

I really hope the weather turns up.  It's starting to effect my mood.  I really do like and it makes working at the pool miserable.  I keep trying to stay positive and remember its all my attitude.  I'll keep livin', laughin', and dreamin'.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bad at this...and an update

I guess I'm not really good at the whole blogging thing.  Last I posted was in January. My class did a senior play which turned out to be a huge hit.  Who would have thought a play about a play would be really funny.  I have survived Mrs. Archiblad's College English class and the dreaded Senior project.  My senior project turned out fabulous thanks to Lana and Emma Gibbons.  They were so helpful and I had so much fun doing my project with them! I owe them a lot. I went to Lagoon with my classmates.  That was so much fun despite all the rain. Seminary and High School Graduation also happened which was really exciting! That actually didn't happen to long ago. When we were standing in line getting ready to walk the music came on and I started to cry.  Everybody gave me such a hard time about it.  I pulled myself together and then as I was walking to my seat doing the lovely graduation march I saw my mother and I started to cry again.  She has done so much for me and that was when I realized this is it, the big step into the world of being on my own.  I'll post more pictures and try to post regularly!