Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bad at this...and an update

I guess I'm not really good at the whole blogging thing.  Last I posted was in January. My class did a senior play which turned out to be a huge hit.  Who would have thought a play about a play would be really funny.  I have survived Mrs. Archiblad's College English class and the dreaded Senior project.  My senior project turned out fabulous thanks to Lana and Emma Gibbons.  They were so helpful and I had so much fun doing my project with them! I owe them a lot. I went to Lagoon with my classmates.  That was so much fun despite all the rain. Seminary and High School Graduation also happened which was really exciting! That actually didn't happen to long ago. When we were standing in line getting ready to walk the music came on and I started to cry.  Everybody gave me such a hard time about it.  I pulled myself together and then as I was walking to my seat doing the lovely graduation march I saw my mother and I started to cry again.  She has done so much for me and that was when I realized this is it, the big step into the world of being on my own.  I'll post more pictures and try to post regularly!

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