Saturday, January 29, 2011

Home Bound

Thanks to the lovely track system I have been home for the past 5 weeks! So far so and good.  I've had few lapses where I've cried to my parents that I need to go back to school and be with my friends. Yes I have  had a hard time adjusting from being on my own to being back in the home.  My parents would just look at me and tell me its a good thing I'm home. Give me a hug and say everything happens for a reason.
For starters its been super good for me because during Christmas Break we discovered I had some health problems.  Mainly my thyroid, what a temperamental little bugger! That thing controls so much of what goes on in your body!! Metabolism, how tired you are, how well your body runs. If its not functioning you body shuts down. My mom was concerned with the fact that I was sleeping in, taking 3 hour naps, and still going to bed at 11.  Plus I was cold all the time. One day my mom looks at me and says"There's a LUMP in your neck!" I my first response was,"Oh heck NO!!" We googled some stuff about enlarged thyroid. Let's just say my imagination went to the worse. Went to the Doctor and now I'm thyroid replacement medication for life! HURRAY!! Well at least now I can stay healthy, keep off the weight, and have more energy! (I'll post further updates about this later)
Another good reason I am home is I can stay out of debt a little bit longer! Sadly the outlook right now is looking bleak! I managed to get a job at the Arby's in Burley! I'm taking after my mother! She worked at Arby's while she was in college and dating my dad! I'm saving the world one curly fry at a time. I can make almost every sandwich without asking someone for help. Its been somewhat of an experience working there. Only one of my co-workers is LDS and he is 40 years old.  And co-workers my age talk about topics that I opt out of participating!Yet, it's a job and I'm keeping it until I get something better to say the least.   
I was also blessed to help the lovely Doris Haines clean her house in the mornings! If you want to get a positive boost of joy and love, she is the woman to see! She just radiates pure happiness! Just spending the mornings with her has taught me a lot about appreciating the day and being positive about where you are in life. She is such an important part in my life and she is one of my heroes!
Singles ward has kept me sane! Its given me the social life I need while I am at home! Don't get me wrong I love my family so much but I need some time with friends as well! It gives me something to look forward to and a reason to get all cute (especially where I'm working fast food! Nothing cute about that!Haha! And when did I start worrying about me being cute!) And I've missed Bishop Garrard and his jokes!
So I look forward to all the adventures and experience that will come. Because so far those that I've gone through have shaped me what I am today!

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