Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things I love making!!

I am so very grateful for the creative flare my Heavenly Father has given me. I love doing things with my hands and I'm ready to share it with everyone! I'll post more pictures!!

The Chloe Flower and Headband! Created the flower pattern myself! Only the button is sewed onto the headband so you can change the flower to your outfit.  $10 dollars a piece( Includes 2 flowers and headband). Additional flowers are $2.50.

Ear-warmer ! Created the pattern myself.  Its almost like the fun knitted ones.  Its made of fleece and I'm planning on making it with different flowers and materials. $12.50.
The Lucy Flower.  Right now price will be $6. I'm working on more colors and putting them on headbands too!

 Contact me on facebook or email me through blogger! Even Leave a comment!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just a little update...

So I've felt like I've needed to do another update again.  It remarkable how life can change so quickly and how time can fly. So I'm down with only two more months until I can go back to school.  Granted I think I'm going to have a hard time readjusting because my parents have taken such great care of me.

I've gotten another job at the Upper Crust! I really love this job.  All my fellow co-workers are really nice and ready to help me. My boss is also pretty great.  Its a really fun atmosphere and I'm learning to come out of my comfort zone.

For Valentines I got myself "Breakfast at Tiffany's". Yes because I didn't not have a significant other and was feeling Singles Awareness very strongly, I got myself something.  I absolutely love Audrey Hepburn.  She is my favorite actress of all times. Plus I'm a nut for old movies.  I really love this movie because I have often felt the insecurities of Holly Golightly. I get the mean red's very often. Hahaha. Goes to show how very human I am. 

I've really missed my roommate Sharla.  I could always complain to her and we had such great times together.  We never had drama between us and we would try to avoid the drama as well.  She's such an amazing and beautiful girl! She is definitely a great friend! Love her to death!

I've also done some neat and creative  projects and I'll get some pictures taken ASAP! Thanks for reading my insights and happenings. And to end here is a quote from Elder F. Enzio Busche," If someone hurts you so much that your feelings seem to choke you, forgive and you will be free again." That is very true and something I had to go through today! Keep smiling everybody it's a beautiful world!! :)