Thursday, December 29, 2016

Stock Up - December 2016

Making :  plans for spring break, disneyland and France are on the top of my list
Cooking : brownies 
Drinking : Milk, I'm always drinking milk
Reading : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, its been too long sinch I last read it.
Wanting : Christmas break to last for two more weeks instead of one
Looking: design books, because I have to have them all (jk but really)
Playing: the piano and relearning old pieces
Wasting: time designing instead of packing
Wishing: for everything to keep falling into place as I prepare to graduate from College this semester
Enjoying: my family
Waiting:  for people to realize things
Liking: that I will be done with homework for good 
Wondering: what it'll be like having a full time, salary job
Loving: who I am. And who I am becoming
Hoping: for more good things to happen in my life
Marveling: that my life is so much better than I had planned
Needing: a boy  dog to cuddle with
Smelling: the christmas tree
Wearing: Leggings and a Sweatshirt
Following:  art history instagram accounts because I've become an art history nerd
Noticing: that I really need to get active again and actually train for a half marathon
Knowing: I'm beautiful and worthy to be loved. 
Feeling: love and anxiety all at the same time 
Bookmarking: Recipes because I have a chubby heart. 
Opening: packages from one my favorite online boutique (Arden)
Giggling: at a youtube video my brother and I have been watching repeatedly 

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