Facebook can be a good thing. You can talk to your friends that live far away, reconnect with old class mates, and keep in touch with family. But facebook can also be a bad thing. It can waste to much time and it can become addicting, like in my case. It can make us unhappy because people are doing this and have that because they're bragging about it. We may become mad because we don't have that. You can expose yourself more than you need too. It allows you to dim your light. The light of Jesus Chirst. When we waste our time and expose ourselves to much on facebook our Savior becomes disappointed in us. This life isn't a time for compromises! Its the time to do whats right and to be worthy servants of our Heavenly Father.
This may seem blunt, I know it is but its truth. Use the internet and facebook wisely! I've been wrong for so many months and now I've come to realize how I should use facebook. I've been abusing it and that not fair. Heed to the Latter Day Prophets words in using moderation and in a positive manner. Don't live you life half way by throwing it a way on the internet!
Things you could do instead of spending to much time on facebook or the internet
- Read your scriptures
- Go over scripture mastery
- Exercise
- Cook
- Sew
- Play an instrument- for me the piano
- Draw a picture
- Paint a Picture
- Spend time with your family
- Read a good book
- Write a letter to a missionary- in my case my cousin Tyler whose in Alabama
- Learn or improve a foreign language- I would like to improve my Spanish and learn French or Portuguese
- Family History
- Go Visiting or Home Teaching
- Fulfill your church calling
- Write in your journal
- Make a more efficient budget for yourself or family
- Clean and Organize your room
- Jump on the Trampoline
- Weed the garden
- Do service
- Personal Progress (Moms' and Young Women)
- Read Preach My Gospel
- Read the Strength of Youth
- Play with the dog or cat- any pet that you have
- Make a schedule Play with a younger sibiling
- Have a face to face conversation
- Do your homework (when ever your in school)
- Go for a hike
- Tell somebody you love them in person
- Sleep (night)
- Family Home Evening
- Take a picture to share with others
- Go to the Temple Grounds to Think
- Go swimming
- Star Gaze with somebody
- Cloud Watch
- Jump in a pile of leaves (Fall)
- Make a snow man, fort, or angel (winter)
- Visit a museum
- Go fishing
- Roast Marshmellow and make smores
- Write a note to somebody who has made a difference in you life
- Clean the yard, bathroom, kitchen, any where that needs to be cleaned.
- Go on a picnic
- Play a board game
- Go for a bike ride
- Make a list of what you could be doing instead of...
- Write down your goals - a goal is a wish until you write it down!
- Go to ward activities, institute, mutual, enrichment night, Stake Activities
- Tell someone about the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Share your testimony
- Listen to a friend
- Make a scrapbook
- Finish unfinished projects
- Go on a date - heck I would be willing to pay for that one
- Go Dancing
- Fix your hair a new way
- Read Ensign, New Era, or Friend
- Wash your face
- Catch mice
- Eat healthy food
- Plan a Vacation - I would plan one to Paris, Boston, or Logan
- Create Something - possibilities limitless
- Be a friend to somebody who needs one
- Try a new food
- Climb a Tree
- Ride a horse
- Climb Rocks
- Read your Patriarchal Blessing
- Listen to stories of the past
- Jump in a creek
- Go to a yard sale- find a treasure
- Wash your hair
- Overcome a fear
- Make a dream board
- Write a song, poem, or a silly story
- See a Scenic view
- Was the vehicles at your house
- Duty to God (Young Men)
- Get your Eagle Scout Project done (Young Men)
- Plant a garden
- Bird Watch
- Make a sweet treat
- Plant a tree, bush or flower
- Make a pillow
- Paint a Picture
- Write a list of heroes in your life
- Make up a new dance
- Improve your dance skills - I want to get better at swing
- Learn a new dance - Salsa anybody?
- Go roller skating
- Make a music video with friends to a favorite song
- Get in a water ballon fight
- Heck you can kiss your significant other (eg husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, I think you get the point)
- Play basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, football, Frisbee, softball, volleyball or anything you can think of
- Make silly faces in the mirror
- Lay in the middle of the road
- Play "your team, my team"
- Dance in the rain
- make cookies
- jump into a pile of pillows
- look at old family pictures
- forgive somebody
- List qualities you like about yourself - i love my eyes and my outgoingness (is that even a word)
- List qualities you want in a future spouse or list qualities you like about your spouse
- Design a dream home
- Pray
- Rock out in the privacy of your own room...pull some air guitar moves
- look up long funny words
- blow bubbles
- Play night games
- Pick your favorite flowers- Daisies and Lavender for me
- Go shotgun shooting
- Go camping
great advice and i loved you list of things we should do instead!! wait mayb i should of called you to tell you this, or maybe i should skype you so you can see my facial expressions :)