Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Time

Its summer but apparently the weather hasn't got on to that yet.  It took a while for my summer to pick up thanks to the weather.  Pool opened late and weather wasn't the greatest for rye pulling either.  For the first week of June my family and I just sat around thinking of things to do. 

Now things have slowly picked up.  I started going to the Singles ward in Burley which has been really fun. I'm meeting a lot of new people.  Its quite different, I still don't classify myself as the "young single adult".  I have loved the time so far in the ward.
I  recently got my laptop. A Dell Studio 15. Merry Christmas and Happy Graduation to me.  It was totally worth the wait.  At Christmas time I was rather distraught that I really didn't get anything but now I'm glad I waited.

I really hope the weather turns up.  It's starting to effect my mood.  I really do like and it makes working at the pool miserable.  I keep trying to stay positive and remember its all my attitude.  I'll keep livin', laughin', and dreamin'.

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