Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chloe lately.

Well this last week has been crazy. And I've really had no time to catch my breath or my sleep.
Harvest snuck  up and I'm already working which is making me more tired. Oh grain harvest how I love and hate you at the same time. I love it because it gives me a job but I hate it because some of the people I interact with at work are quite the characters. Thankfully the racist hasn't shown up yet but I've planning a Mexican party to happen when he starts bringing in trucks. I haven't taken pictures of work yet to show what an exciting job it is and what exactly I do because most people think when I say harvest I'm working potato harvest because I'm from Idaho. Idaho grows a vast amounts of crops especially in the valley I live in. But I digress. So I've been trying to be domestic on the side of work making jam, working on finishing a dress I started sewing a year ago and fixing shirts I bought to be bit more modest.  Also I sit on the recliner with the dog, who tries to take up most of the seat  the trud! I chopped my hair a lot shorter than planned (thanks medicine that's drying my hair out pretty bad)

Olympics have started and I can I say Ryan Lochte's determination has mad his gorgeousness increase by a 100%. Yeah I look forward to watching him race more.  Ceremonies were fantastic but China is still number one. It'll be a long time before that is topped. My favorite parts of London's celebrations was Mr. Bean, what can I say he'll always be my favorite and the deaf children seeing. Precious I tell you, precious! And I can't lie, I teared up at that part. Bond and the queen was pretty hilarious. But really Queen Elizabeth are we supposed to believe you jumped out of that helicopter? I  just love the Olympics! And I love the feeling of opening ceremonies gives you that there is still good in the world.

Have a happy week everybody! You deserve it!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dear Boy {39} Trente-neuf

Sorry the blog got neglected a lot just in the past two weeks. My finals consumed me and I thought I would never see daylight again. Which is a lie because I saw it everyday when I went to class.

Dear Boys on campus,
Thank goodness I was not looking for a date
at all the last week of semester. I looked
terrible. Trust me awful. No makeup, hair up
in a bun and just jeans and a t-shirt. You weren't
paying attention hallelujah!
-stressed hot mess

Dear AZ,
To bad we won't have the same class anymore.
Probably ever. To bad I won't ever see you again. 
You were still a pleasant surprise for 3 weeks. 

Dear J & J
I'm really happy both of you proposed
to your girls! It makes me happy to see
their are still good guys in the world. 
Sorry I was so harsh before. Those girls
are pretty lucky ladies!
love, old fhe sister

Dear missionary,
I'm so glad we are great friends and I get
to email you. You tell me things I need to
hear and remind me to be positive.
your neighbor

Dear boy,
Thanks for keeping in mind that I wanted to
go on zero dates this semester or that would
have been awkward! ;)
love, d & w

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thats a Wrap!

Is the semester already over? 14 weeks of my life just flashed by? Say What!? I can't believe I just finished my 4th semester of college. I'm a junior! Whats happening to me? Before I know it I'll be 21 and almost done with my degree!
This semester has been a good one! No drama in the apartment. (sad but thats true it took me 4 times to finally get a good apartment, by the way I'm living with them again) Lots of my really good friends got engaged! Exciting I know and I'm getting more awesome too.
100% on my Font ID test. I took the practice test 30 times to get that score.
An amazing typogram that my teacher liked a lot.
Getting a 100 on my first oral evaluation(second time didn't get enough dialogue to get that)
B in French. Yup I got a B in French and didn't even take it in high school. Not to shabby.
Meeting a super cute guy.
Meeting amazing people in my classes. That list could go on for ever. Seriously.
Awesome roommates.

Pretty much being sick for most of the semester-it was awful. Awful I tell you.
Almost dying after finals
Hardly seeing that cute boy...we'll save that story for a rainy day or when I just feel like it.
Lindsey won't be my room roommate anymore. Psh...I hope she realizes what she is missing out on!
And maybe neglecting some classes for Typography and French...yeah thankfully I got that all figured out.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sneaky Peaky

I've been slaving over a certain assignment today. My brain is fried! 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Dear Boy {38} Trente-huit

Dear Bug Eyed, 
Stop your staring! 
Thats weird!
-disturbed yet again

Dear AZ, 
I need to just let you go. 
Please take an exit to stage 
left. Maybe you can come
back on stage another time.

Dear Boys on Campus, 
Yeah I'm impressed some
of you are upping your 
game. Keep it up. 

Dear Lazy, 
Get off your highhorse
and ask my roommate
on a date. Its obvious 
like her!
-concerned roommate

Dear Boy,
Make sure you look at my pinterest 
somedy. That way you can really 
surprise me by doing better than that!
love, d&w

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Tuesday

Today I'm trying to be happy even though I'm very stressed out! I know everything will work out and some hoe I'll get everything that needs to be done, done. I'll be caught up this weekend! Smile and enjoy stories by little kids. They're pretty fantastic! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Good Things

Going home for the weekend. Family treated me like a princess. Brother picked me a rose and my father gave me a blessing. 

Seeing the first missionary in my class home. Its amazing how fast 2 years have gone by. 

Maroon 5. Got some of their new music and I love it! 

Oreo Truffles. I made them one night and my sister ate most of the truffles I brought for my family. I wish they weren't so expensive to make. 

Seeing one of my best friends Sharla. I'm glad things have worked out for that girl. Love her so much. 

Riding to Oakley and back to Rexburg with Hanna. That girl is so sweet and super honest and our discussions are hilarious. 

Life in Technicolor. Let's just say Coldplay is amazing and their music is clean and makes me feel better! Doesn't the music video make you smile!

Two weeks of the semester. I hope I survive. Its going to be crazy busy and I just want to be able to handle it in all of its glory. Don't want to shut down. 

Sleep. It does a person good!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Maroon 5

 I have a slight obession with Maroon 5's lead singer. I love his voice and after watching him on The Voice I could see he is such a sweetheart. Granted he does have tattoos and needs a talk on profanity and foul language. Lets just say I tell my roommates and friends that I'll convert him and he'll start doing tattoo removal just from the sight of me. Yeah my fantasies that will never happen in real life because they are that extreme. Gotta love them.
So enjoy his music as I drool at his face and the sound of his voice!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Dear Boy {37} Trente-sept

Dear AZ,
Well you should really call me.
No maybes. Just call me! Get
my number first and then
call me!

Dear Home Teacher,
You are super hilarious and super
smart. Let's party again! Maybe
you need to teach your friend
some moves.
-the girl in 603

Dear Boy who is almost a menace to society,
You need to buck up sir and start
taking chances or you will have gray
hairs by the time you decided to settle
-the 20-something-year-old

Dear little brother,
Thanks for picking a rose for me.
I really don't want you to grow
up! I need you to keep cuddling
with me.

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for looking out for me.
It meant a lot when you asked
me if you could give me a blessing.
You just know without me saying!
Thanks for being my dad!

Dear Boy, 
Once I had a dream about you 
but I couldn't see your face. 
It's know my favorite dream I 
ever had. Can't wait to see that 
face reveled :). 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

 I love the 4th of July, it's a fun day. Parades and Fireworks and almost everyone and their dog dressed in Red, White, and Blue. I got to spend the day celebrating freedom with friends. The Amazing Spider Man with Kelcie, Jake(FHE Brother who served in Paris), and Diana. I will never complain about movie prices back home ever again. Seriously an arm and a leg for that movie theater. Cafe Rio was close by so I sold my soul for a pork salad. Divine. (Costa Vida you...uh stink...) Finding Lindsey at Denny's was an adventure in the making. Saw lots of funny signs and saw lots of weirdos and discovered the ghettos of IF(Idaho Falls who don't know Rexburg slang).  Got to Dennys and needed a gallon of sanitize after walking through it. Then the best part fireworks on the river. After freaking out watching some of them pop snapper with their hands, teeth, and flicking it in mid air(the little rocks flying into my face hurt) and trying to take a picture of an oufit on a little girl because it was pinterest material the show began. I was dazzled by fireworks for 35 minutes. IF surely knows how to put on a show. And lets say the guy from Chicago says its just as good as Chicago's Firework show. God bless this great nation. Its a good place to live.

And a side note: So you are probably wondering "How did she get such cool pictures of fireworks?"...well my little secret is I have a setting on my camera for fireworks. Got some really cool and funky looking pictures.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

All I could handle...

I have a sinus infection! Yipee! Not really its been quite 2 days. Besides wanting to rip my head off theirs been some crying. Its been quite exciting wondering if my head will really explode or if steam will release from my ears. So I've been watching Netflix all day because that's all I can handle. It doesn't make me think to hard. And I've been watching everyone and their dog get engaged. 'Tis the season to get engaged.

Have a fantastic 4th of the July! You'll be hearing from me soon...hopefully.

And enjoy this song, it makes me happy: