Monday, July 23, 2012

Dear Boy {39} Trente-neuf

Sorry the blog got neglected a lot just in the past two weeks. My finals consumed me and I thought I would never see daylight again. Which is a lie because I saw it everyday when I went to class.

Dear Boys on campus,
Thank goodness I was not looking for a date
at all the last week of semester. I looked
terrible. Trust me awful. No makeup, hair up
in a bun and just jeans and a t-shirt. You weren't
paying attention hallelujah!
-stressed hot mess

Dear AZ,
To bad we won't have the same class anymore.
Probably ever. To bad I won't ever see you again. 
You were still a pleasant surprise for 3 weeks. 

Dear J & J
I'm really happy both of you proposed
to your girls! It makes me happy to see
their are still good guys in the world. 
Sorry I was so harsh before. Those girls
are pretty lucky ladies!
love, old fhe sister

Dear missionary,
I'm so glad we are great friends and I get
to email you. You tell me things I need to
hear and remind me to be positive.
your neighbor

Dear boy,
Thanks for keeping in mind that I wanted to
go on zero dates this semester or that would
have been awkward! ;)
love, d & w

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