Friday, July 6, 2012

Dear Boy {37} Trente-sept

Dear AZ,
Well you should really call me.
No maybes. Just call me! Get
my number first and then
call me!

Dear Home Teacher,
You are super hilarious and super
smart. Let's party again! Maybe
you need to teach your friend
some moves.
-the girl in 603

Dear Boy who is almost a menace to society,
You need to buck up sir and start
taking chances or you will have gray
hairs by the time you decided to settle
-the 20-something-year-old

Dear little brother,
Thanks for picking a rose for me.
I really don't want you to grow
up! I need you to keep cuddling
with me.

Dear Daddy,
Thanks for looking out for me.
It meant a lot when you asked
me if you could give me a blessing.
You just know without me saying!
Thanks for being my dad!

Dear Boy, 
Once I had a dream about you 
but I couldn't see your face. 
It's know my favorite dream I 
ever had. Can't wait to see that 
face reveled :). 

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