Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happiness is...

Sunday mornings filled with Mormon Tabernacle choir. Since church is so late for my apartment I get up each Sunday, eat breakfast and watch Music and the Spoken word. The choir even sang my favorite hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. That song brings me such peace. Then its getting ready for church with Mo-Tab playing through out the house. It may be different songs but its still pretty wonderful. 

Coming up with my own soup recipe. Yeah I'm that genius. And It was super delicious. Yes, you tastes buds are watering right now because they are jealous of my mad soup skills. My mug cake was super delicious too. Especially when I accidentally poured to many chocolate chips into it. Stop drooling on your computer. That's gross.

Going for a bike ride. I still hate that everything is so pushed back but I love my late afternoon bike rides. I'll be sad once its too cold and dark for me to do it anymore. I love the fall breeze in my face and hair. The leaves changing their colors. Its so beautiful and it makes it better when I have happy tunes playing in my earbuds. 

Is talking to my mother and Sharla on the phone. They are such a great motivators! I'm glad I can hear the love in their voices. I wish I could give them a big hug everyday! 

The New Black Keys album. Love the retro sound. I just want to go crazy and dance to it and be silly. 

Stumbling upon the original Pink Panther and the Pink Panther Strikes again. It reminds me of my dearest Josi. She introduced me to the greatness. And I thank her greatly for sharing. 

Having a job. I can't explain how grateful I am for my job. Its not much but it is definitely a great blessing in my life. 

Isn't life just a wonderful thing? It may not be perfect but at least it's still good!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dear Boys

Its been a long while since I've done this post and I'm finally ready to do them again.

Dear Sunglasses,
You were definitely good luck
for my interview. Thank you
for your subtle eyebrow raises.
Confidence booster for me.
-nervous wreck

Dear AZ,
Yeah, I wish I could say I don't
think about you anymore but I
would be lying.

Dear S,
I'm so glad you are finally back in
Rexburg, Glad to have someone
to talk to!

Dear _________,
Sorry I haven't come up with a clever
name for you yet. Way to kill it.
I had fun but you killed it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuned In

Happy Monday! I started my new job today and I'm really excited about it. Who doesn't want a job where there job is all about social networking!  Wanted to share the song above. My roommate kept playing it on her iPad and I feel in love with it. It's a good one and who doesn't love Lifehouse! Love me some good music that makes me feel good.  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Back in July before the semester was over my roommates and I all bought tickets to the much anticipated Mormon Tabernacle concert for fall semester. I bought two tickets not knowing who I would take because It was two months away. My three roommates did the same too.  So I really thought nothing of it until I got back to Rexburg. Then I thought of asking this boy I had liked last semester and that's another story for another day. So in the grand scheme of things all of the roommates got to go including the new ones. Well the only exception is Whitney sat with her boy in better seats while we sat with her parents and grandparents. Kinda weird how that worked out. But it was a really enjoyable night. The choir sang some songs I have never heard them sing. This was their third time coming to Rexburg and it sounds like they'll come again. 


Loved this particular song because of the organ! The organ is amazing! You could tell the organist hands were hurting by the end of the song. It was a fun night and I'm glad I could share it with my roommates. Not to mention our midnight run for locos tacos and the new Katy Perry movie. Life is good! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Good Things

Its been a while and so many good things have happened! 

Two weeks of school completed! I've made some changes. I'm no longer taking French but I'm taking an Economics class instead! Its has turned out for the better!

My roommates are bomb awesome! I love them so much! This semester has been so fun so far! I'm so grateful for them!

I've got to talk to all of my closest friends this week on the phone. Technology is great!

I'm reunited with one of my favorite friends in the whole world. Shane. 

My student ward is awesome! My relief society is awesome! Church is so much better when almost all the students in the ward are active. 

Teachings of the Living Prophets- the best religion class I have taken in my BYU-I career. Take it from either of the Brother Hammonds'. You'll be glad you did! 

I. Got. A. Job! Finally after 2 years I finally get a job on campus and its going to be a lot of fun! I looking forward to the people I get to be working with. I don't know if I'll ever thank Jenna enough for giving the referral of about me. 

And to top it all off I get to go to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with all my roommates! I'm excited that Mo-Tab is in Rexburg! Its going to be an awe-inspiring night! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Consider the Lilies

I have church at 1:30PM and I feel like it pushes all of my Sabbath day things back. Especially when you have CES fireside that takes up your evening time. Not that I have problem with it. So after being spiritual fed all day, I went for a bike ride and listened to one of my favorite talks of all time by President Uchtdorf. Go here to read. And then after talking with Linds and riding my bike back home I turned Mormon Tabernacle Choir on Shuffle and got this song. It was what I needed to hear. I knew Heavenly Father will always be watching me and will always be there for me. This semester is going to be different and I'm excited  for it. But Heavenly Father is always concerned about us. He is our Father and we are his children. He wants the best for us and we should do everything to receive his blessings. Remember to always consider the lilies. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

moved in

Yesterday was the longest day of my life. Loaded up the little Camry with all of my stuff {I have way to many clothes I've decided} and headed into Burley to run errands and for my mom to go to glass. After eating lunch and finding out the dry cleaners misplaced skirt{argh}, mama and I were on the freeway. Fast forward >> Winco in IF>> REXBURG! Yay! Sad part my mom helped me unload everything and then left me. I guess its about time its finally happening it was just weird and strange wrapped up together in a burrito covered in the sour cream of hate of change. So let the good times roll. This semester is going to be filled with lots of adventures and smiles. I would post pictures of my room but its the same as last semester so go figure. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Good Things

It has been so long since I've done a good things post and its a bit over due in my case. 

We had a cat dropped off at our house and he's such a cuddle bug. Chester is adorable and is trying to convince the dog that he's an okay cat. Phoebe is not convinced and neither is my nose. Still love Mr. Chester Cat even though I'm sure I'm allergic to him. 

So I went a little over bored with new school clothes this year. Okay that just sounds like I went crazy. I didn't go crazy I just bought more than I usually do and almost all the stuff was on sale and I'm going to look pretty stylish this fall. 

I got a new pair of colored skinny jeans! Fun fact I have 12 pairs of jeans from American Eagle. Love their jeans. Hey when I find a pair of jeans that makes my behiney look cute I don't stop buying from that place. I finally got my sisters hooked. 

Psych! Need I say more. I love Shawn.

Um Batman. Yes I love the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale Batman so don't ask me to watch any of those silly ones from before. 

All my friends that the seven week break awesome! They kept me sane. 

My mom's awesome woodworking skills. She made a new awesome headboard for the room I usually stay in. She's just amazing!

Cooking with my mom. I learn so much when I cook with her. 

Sharla. Love that girl. Wish she was coming back to Rexburg this fall. 

I move back to Rexy tomorrow! So ready! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

What a beaut!

Today for labor day the family went up to City of Rocks because Carter begged to. According to him he's never been which I believe is false. How could you live in Oakley and not been there. Going brought lots of memories of fun girls camps and past family outings. Well I give credit to Carter for climbing Bath Rock for the first time. And once upon a time I new how City of Rocks formed and I still think I have snippet of that knowledge but my favorite part of City of Rocks is the History of the Pioneers going through. The orginial Oregon Trail actually goes through part of City of Rocks and there are register rocks where people back in the trekking wagon days would sign their name in grease or wagon wheel axel grease. Pretty neat if you ask me. Today was fun and I got some great photos. Please excuse my face, its a hot mess, it was after I climbed Bath and I was in a hurry because Carter was about to leave me up on top by myself. 

I just love Idaho! Its got a beauty like no other place. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

let it be.

Sometimes I get a head of myself and probably get in my own way. Today in church we talked about doing what is right and what our modern day prophets teach us. One girl in the Relief Society bore her testimony {it was was fast and testimony meeting} about doing what is right and always to be prayful. What stood out to me most of all how she said Heavenly Father will answer our prayers not always at the time we want him to answers, not always the answers we want to hear but he still answers. She continued in saying we need to keep our faith because our Heavenly Father knows best for us. Something I really needed to hear. Remember faith in Heavenly Father also means faith in his timing. Probably something thats hard for me to do because I'm such an impatient person and I get frustrated with myself and people and things that go on in my life. This week I'll be moving back to Rexburg thankfully. Its time for me to get back and into school. I'm really excited for this semester. I can tell there are good things coming my way and I just need to keep smiling and staying positive.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Just had to share some of my favorite songs that are the most played on my iPod right now.

Erin McCarley-Just Another Day
stumbled upon Erin last fall and
love all of her music. This just
might become my theme song
for fall semester.

Saw a commercial that had this
song playing and loved it and
has become one of my favorite
songs to work out too. My
siblings are fans as well which
made me the cool sister for a

A favorite of me and my sister.
Love running to it and having
a dance party in my room by
myself. And they're from Provo.
Who knew right?