Sunday, September 2, 2012

let it be.

Sometimes I get a head of myself and probably get in my own way. Today in church we talked about doing what is right and what our modern day prophets teach us. One girl in the Relief Society bore her testimony {it was was fast and testimony meeting} about doing what is right and always to be prayful. What stood out to me most of all how she said Heavenly Father will answer our prayers not always at the time we want him to answers, not always the answers we want to hear but he still answers. She continued in saying we need to keep our faith because our Heavenly Father knows best for us. Something I really needed to hear. Remember faith in Heavenly Father also means faith in his timing. Probably something thats hard for me to do because I'm such an impatient person and I get frustrated with myself and people and things that go on in my life. This week I'll be moving back to Rexburg thankfully. Its time for me to get back and into school. I'm really excited for this semester. I can tell there are good things coming my way and I just need to keep smiling and staying positive.

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