Monday, September 3, 2012

What a beaut!

Today for labor day the family went up to City of Rocks because Carter begged to. According to him he's never been which I believe is false. How could you live in Oakley and not been there. Going brought lots of memories of fun girls camps and past family outings. Well I give credit to Carter for climbing Bath Rock for the first time. And once upon a time I new how City of Rocks formed and I still think I have snippet of that knowledge but my favorite part of City of Rocks is the History of the Pioneers going through. The orginial Oregon Trail actually goes through part of City of Rocks and there are register rocks where people back in the trekking wagon days would sign their name in grease or wagon wheel axel grease. Pretty neat if you ask me. Today was fun and I got some great photos. Please excuse my face, its a hot mess, it was after I climbed Bath and I was in a hurry because Carter was about to leave me up on top by myself. 

I just love Idaho! Its got a beauty like no other place. 

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