Monday, July 15, 2013

tuned in.

It's been a while since I've listened to T. Swizzle. And right now this song is perfect for how I'm feeling.  Oh Tay Swif, I love and hate you at the same time. You are almost to brutally honest. Just like me, only I forgive guys and I don't write songs about them (wouldn't be to bad I mean I would have millions).

My only question is why do girls have a thing for a bad guy. They know bad boys aren't good for them, so why the heck even enter the bad boy territory? Do we think we can change them? Help me out girls? I don't get it!

And on that note my next post will be about positive relationships. Ha I love opposites.
Upcoming post: How marriage prep changed my view of love, marriage, newly weds, sex, and life in general. Marriage prep was probably my favorite class (followed by History of Design and Illustration). My teacher was insightful, honest, and hilarious. 

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