Monday, August 26, 2013

Moving and Some Other Things

My life is changing; changing a lot. I've learned I really hate change, I guess I'm a creature of habit and don't get me wrong there is change that I do like. For example changing my wardrobe, my hair, my room, a new student ward in Rexburg. Things that I have control over. Makes sense to me I'm one of those people that just needs to be in control to feel whole and complete. So here is the story of my summer. 

So my actual summer started like usual: scale house, grain harvest and working with people I have known for quite some time. I trained two girls and on my last day I took pictures with Sidney. We had so much fun working together. 

The following week we (Lauren and I) finally got to see the new house. I had been getting excited and finally seeing the house sealed the deal for me our at least I thought. 

I enjoyed some beautiful Oakley sunsets (missing them already)

And then the horrible activity called packing began and then we were loading the truck. I would be lying if I said I didn't cry and I didn't have some sort of emotional reaction to leaving the house. I understand that its just a house but its the house that I grew up and learned so many things. There are lot of memories but like my mom said its just a house. And as long as we have each other thats all we need. I guess it just snuck up and surprised me because I was planning on moving home. This move was the most exhausting thing in the world. Probably one of the worst times in my life! Not exaggerating not to mention I hadn't really been myself since I came back to Oakley...maybe I can talk about that another time. 

I picked up the next day after we loaded the truck and we were moving into the new house. She was happy to see me. She's such a smiley dog. It took her a few days to finally settle down and I don't mind sleeping with her in my nice big bed with her by my feet, keeping them warm. And we enjoy walking through the neighborhood and running through the golf courses. She's a good running partner (when I'm not dragging her)!

I've been designing for some different projects. I've been feeling at home doing it. If you need help with any projects! Contact me if you need help with a project. I have other work that I'm excited to share with you.

Did I mention my backyard is a golf course and we like to take walks around the edge at nights. Sometimes we even go on to the green to take pictures with the flags. Its kind of like a park but not. And when it rains a river form that goes down the hill.

Aren't they precious. I loves them so much. Sure miss Aubs but she's having a blast in Utah at Massage Therapy Collage! She'll do great things!

Oh and I'm getting new classes. This isn't the greatest picture but those are the frames I'm getting! Super stoked!

Oh and I finally got contacts! Here's to believing in myself and loving myself for me. I've missed myself and its time to get me back again. It's kind of been a painful road but at least I'm getting somewhere. 

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