Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wrong Roads & Wrong Guys

I've obviously been taking a break from the blogging scene and it may continue for a long while. I've just needed to live my life without needing to plan something clever to write or brag about how great my life is; isn't a blog kind of a place where you go and brag about how great your life is sometimes. Not that its a bad thing because I love reading about family and friends who are doing great, I just needed a break from doing it about myself.

 I watched this video from Mormon Messages and I honestly couldn't help but feel like God was speaking to me today. I've been thinking a lot about choices, prayer, and personal revelation. How bad things happen and still sometimes making the wrong choice some how gets us on the right path. I've made a lot of choices about my life and trusted I was making the right one.

Just over a little bit of a year ago I started writing a boy who was serving as a companion to my roommates boyfriend. And I'm sure you read the super long, and kind of melodramatic posts of my self discovery from that relationship. And my ranting and complaining about the guy (sorry missionary guy, I've grown up since then). When I first started writing him, it was fun, it was nice to talk to someone and I was starting to emotionally invest in him. One day, after writing for about 2 months I felt I needed to pray about it because I really didn't want to continue investing in this guy if nothing was to come of it. One Sunday I felt impressed it was the right thing to do and misinterpreted that feeling as something else. And as I wrote him I continued to have the feeling and then things happened and the feeling went away and it was replaced with a new feeling, you need to break up and stop writing this guy. I was honestly confused. How could God tell me this was the right thing to do and then my own personal feelings with out his influence began to change. I prayed about if what I was feeling was right or if I just needed to buck up and be not so judgmental.  I went to the temple and I knew the feeling was right and I just needed to do it. God wasn't going to have me marry someone I didn't want to. I had a choice.

Needless to say it took more than just one email to end things and trying to be friends to finally get the message to me that yes this guy was great and it could of probably worked for us,  but I had lessons to be learned about myself in a relationship, and there was some one even better for me.

I have since learned that even though God gives us a prompting we still have a choice to follow it. I could of just stop writing that guy then and there. I probably wouldn't have learned what I needed to learn. God wouldn't have been able to shape me the way He needed to.

In regards to Elder Holland's short message sometimes getting to the right road means taking a wrong one. In "What I Wish I Knew When I Was Single: How to Life as a Young Adult" by John Bytheway (which if your single find a way to listen to it because it's so helpful) he states something that has since changed my point of view of dating in general. "Sometimes dating the wrong one is the right one to lead you to the best one." Although we may have the potential to marry a plethero of different people (I honestly don't believe in soul mates or God has already predestined you to be with someone, you do have a say in who you marry) God has you date a few wrong ones so you can make a choice without a doubt to be with one of the right ones.

We have choice and God helps us be better in our choices and to help build our trust and faith in him. God loves us so much and He wants the best for us. He is teaching us how to make correct judgements and the best choices. Just because He has us go down a few wrong roads or date a few wrong people does not mean He doesn't love us. He does those things because He loves us and He wants us to be confident when we are on the right path, road, or with the right person. Isn't it pretty great to know we have someone looking over us and wants us to trust Him.

I'm so grateful that somehow when I go down the wrong road, God somehow manages to get me to the right road.

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