Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stock Up

One of my favorite blogs The Daybook has down this and she got the inspiration from another blog and I wanted to do it. 
Making :  memories with my mom and sisters. I love cooking with them on the holidays and everyday.
Cooking : the stuffing that won my dad's heart over once upon a time when my parents were dating. 
Drinking : Ginger Ale-it's my favorite what can I say. 
Reading : The Book Theif- my sister got me hooked
Wanting :  Someone to cuddle with. The cold weather drives this desire and I'm missing the days of my little brother who would gladly cuddle with me, he's become resistant. 
Looking: at the gorgeous woodpeckers that come to my house to eat berries on the deck.  
Playing:  Dots-I'm addicted to the game.
Wasting: money on the people I love. The holiday's make me feel kind of better about spending money because I'm not spending it on myself. 
Sewing: nothing but making plans to start sewing pillows and a duvet cover of some sort.
Wishing: for a whimsical christmas with lots of snow fall and lots of memory making. 
Enjoying:  my family all together. I've missed these days. 
Waiting: for someone to text me back. 
Liking: All the ideas I've come up with for presents for my friends
Wondering: What it would be like to be a mama and a wife. I spend so much time with kids I have started to wonder even though working with kids has become the best form of birth control. 
Loving: New Girl as always. It's such a clever show, not going to lie definitely in love with creepy, weird Schmidt. 
Hoping: for things to always work out in a positive way
Marveling: that it's practically the end of the year and I'm a very different person. Where does the time go?
Smelling: cologne I found amongst my things I think it was a present for that guy I was writing once upon a time. 
Wearing: Purple jeggings, black top, and a green sweater- typical fall weather 
Noticing: how beautiful my life is. It's a thing of beauty and it's amazing I'm still alive.
Knowing: everything will be alright in the end. 
Feeling: content. I don't feel the need to rush anything and to let life give me the things I need. 
Bookmarking: recipes because who doesn't love food. 
Opening: an old favorite book. I love reading old stuff that reminds me of old feelings. 
Giggling: at my sister Aubrie, only hilarious things come out of her mouth. 

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