Monday, February 10, 2014

Stock Up

(One of my favorite blogs The Daybook has down this and she got the inspiration from another blog and I wanted to do it too. )

Making :  Valentines Day Cards for my Mom. The Joys of being a graphic designer
Cooking : popcorn, I'm so domestic lately. 
Drinking : Water. It's become a favorite. 
Reading : Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson for the 2nd time
Wanting : Gas prices to hit 2.50
Looking: at recipes on pinterest. It's kind of a thing. 
Playing:  Flappy Bird. 36 is my best. 
Wishing: for a good weekend.
Enjoying: enjoying the silence.
Waiting: for a package
Wondering: what it will be like to be a full time student again.
Loving: my life
Hoping: for a fun Valentine's Day
Marveling: at all my friends getting married or having babies. 
Needing: a Jamba Juice. I always need one
Smelling: chlorine from my swim suits.
Wearing: work out clothes, I just got done running
Following:  the olympics its that time every two years
Noticing: how much I love Pocatello
Knowing: things will be okay
Feeling: relief. a run does that for me
Bookmarking: again recipes to stuff my face with
Opening: Old design books
Giggling: at myself, I'm super hilarious 

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