Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tinder and a little lack there off.

I got this lovely (yet disgusting) little app October of 2013 after some encouragement from my cousin Ray. Honestly after trying tinder for about 3 months and then deleting and getting it back and then deleting it and then getting it back again and deleting it once more I've learned a few things around the tinder block. Some of this may be out of bitterness but for the most part its strictly just information to help those people considering getting Tinder.

1-It is helpful to look through bio's or even through all the pictures. Honestly it will give you better answer to yourself if you really want to take a risk on the guy that has a profile picture of his torso that isn't that shabby looking but who knows what he really is asking for. I try to avoid people that will question my standards.

2-People are on there to hook up. Not just to get to know you. I've had more than just one guy just straight up tell me I'm hot and that was reason enough for him to make out with me. Not to mention how overly sexual our society I had guys wanting to do some pretty inappropriate stuff the first time we meet. I politly replied with I'm not that kind of girl My advice make your standards clear and they'll leave you alone and feel like an idiot.  

3-It's slightly addicting. All of the attention and guys talking to you because they think you're pretty. And they flat out tell you are pretty. I would find myself in a slightly creepy version of the twilight zone in tinder land. I was swiping right on everyone and I felt like I couldn't stop. Plus meeting new people can give you a rush.

4-It's a luck and numbers game. Granted you can find a few good fish but its really just a matter of luck and how many you have. You can be more selective in your matches if you live in a higher populated area or visit one or just meet people the normal way and avoid tinder all together.

5-Is Tinder really trying to get me to make friends with people I don't know? Is it to get us connected with people we don't know? The opposite of Facebook? If so they should definitley change the name and the premise of the current situation because it feels like online dating or an online bar where people can find other people for one night stands.

6-In some ways your judging people on their face value or what they want you to think. Yeah you may get to see their interests and maybe some mutual friends but really its a looks game and I don't really want to play into that anymore. Sure I want to meet attractive guys but everybody is putting up a front that they want you to see.

7-In one positive it got me out of my head and it got me talking to guys without thinking to much. I'm an over thinker so that was a plus for me. And guys talking to me first was also a positive in my book because I always felt like I was making the first move.

8-You are not going to be compatible with everyone you match with. Look at #4. It's luck finding someone who is compatible with you let alone who is willing to meet you and really put forth the effort to get to know you and understand you, you've got a gem. Honestly finding someone who appreciates you for who you are is luck.

9-Don't give your snap chat username or even your phone number until you are really sure of the risk. You reap what you sew and you don't want some weirdo sending you some crazy snaps that you won't appreciate. Trust me I know. If your not that interested, don't do it.

10-Trust your gut and your instincts. You know yourself better than you think. Granted you won't know unless you try it. Sometimes risks are worth taking.

Honestly you can take me words and interrupt to best suit you. In a respect I'm grateful I got tinder because I learned somethings about myself and I met a wonderful person who I now consider my best friend. To be honest he made tinder worth it because all I really needed was a best friend. Someone who was patient with me, reminded me of the good that is me. And that frankly I just need to relax and get out of my head. Sometimes I can't explain the craziness inside me but he has at least shown me I'm just human. And I'm grateful everyday to have a friend like him everyday.

And if it takes getting on a creepy app to get that, I guess its worth it.

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