Sunday, March 9, 2014

Stock Up

Making :  Memories. I loved being with my old roommates for the weekend.
Cooking : nothing. I haven't been feeling that domestic lately.
Drinking : California Tap water. It's better than Idaho. 
Reading : To Kill a Mockingbird 
Wanting : to go back to the Bay
Looking: through all my pictures from my trip.
Playing: Monopoly with the family, with a mormon twist. You have to pay tithing.
Wasting: Money on gas to go to the Bay. 
Wishing: for a job in Logan to come my way. 
Enjoying: the picture I bought of the Golden Gate Bridge. 
Waiting:  to see my best friend in 2 weeks. 
Liking: my shirts I bought at H&M
Wondering: what it would be like to be graduated and working a full-time job. 
Loving: who I am. And who I want to be
Hoping: For a good rest of the month.
Marveling: At the fact that I got to see Alba this past weekend. 
Needing: nothing. My heart is full. 
Smelling: the ocean. I love being at the ocean
Wearing: PJs, love feeling comfy. 
Following:  The whole Ukraine debacle. Foreign affairs intrigue me. 
Noticing: How not the great driving through Northern Nevada for 6 hours isn't that great. 
Knowing: I'm beautiful and worthy to be loved. 
Feeling: awesome because I am awesome.
Bookmarking: workouts, got to get my body ready for swim suit ready. 
Opening: old design files, fixing what needs to be fixed. 
Giggling: Kaylee ,around Elko, was tired of the being the car and started exercising in the back seat and it was hilarious

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