Thursday, March 13, 2014

I Am.

In my search of refinding myself and going through self discovery I think its important everyday 
that I remind myself who I am. I think any one men and women could benefit from this. I am a list make so you'll find such lists in my journal, notebooks, and scraps of paper. 

One essential idea is knowing that I am a beloved Daughter of God of infinite worth. For me knowing that I am someone's is enough to light a spark in me. Everyday I see God's love, it could be an answer to a prayer or just the beauty of the earth. The understanding of "I am a Child of God" has taken time and work and a lot of prayers. 

It's important to understand who we are. It gives us a purpose and meaning to our lives. It reminds us of the greatness with in us. It reminds us we have a power to change the world. We can build others up and stop tearing them down. 

So here is the list of things that I know I am. 

I Am:

A sister who is an example to her sisters and brother. I love them and I know they love me.  I need to help and inspire them. 

A great friend who will do anything for those I love. I would do anything for all of my friends that I know love me. I will go out of my way to make sure a friend is okay. Whether its with silence, just listening, a hug, or a quick I'm thinking about you. 

A member of my Relief Society. I am apart of the largest women organization in the world. I feel needed and valued.  I am not an oppressed LDS woman, I am empowered everyday for the responsibility and the service I need to accomplish in this organization. 

A teacher to the children I help at the school. I give them the love they deserve and I help them know that they are safe at school. 

A future wife and a mother. I will love my future husband and children with all my heart and give them  110%. I deserve to be treated with love and respect. I deserve some who is crazy about me, who will protect me and my children. Who will go to the end of the world for me. Who won't make excuses; who will never leave me to question and will prove to me everyday that he deserves me. My children will love me and I will teach them that God loves them and cherishes them. I will share my testimony with them. That their mom and dad love them. That they are important and that their best is enough. 

A daughter of Heavenly and Earthly Parents who love me dearly and unconditionally. They want me to obtain the greatest they know I have inside me. I am beloved and important to all of them. Who deserves and accepts their love.  I am essential to their plan, I am enough. They believe in me and I trust in them. 

Who are you?

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