Monday, March 31, 2014

Tuned In: Sink My Feet

I'm always looking for music gems and I randomly came across Jillian Edwards when I was looking at Ben Rector, who's a gem as well. I've just had some good luck with Singer/Songwriters lately. They seem to really understand the concept of great lyrics (besides Taylor Swift who does them almost to well) but I digress. 

I've found a few songs from Jillian that just really get me. What I want, how I feel.  I've been thinking a lot how just having people to support you and stand by you helps a lot with anxiety or really any kind of struggle in life. Having someone to stand by you I think isn't something we just want but something we also need. It's in our nature to be wanted and accepted. 

I don't want worry and I want to leave my fear behind and sometimes that just takes someone who is willing to help you and stand by you; have that security. Sometimes that is choosing to just believe people and to trust what your gut is telling you and the answers you have received. Be glad God puts people into our lives that we need. 

Just keep me by you. Good things are coming peeps! 

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