Monday, March 10, 2014

The Bay

Sometimes you have to seize opportunities even when they don't seem the most logical with your current life situation. (You should read this post and browse the picture while listening to "Save Me San Francisco" by Train. Its just a good idea.)

Planning on moving soon and missing work for a weekend trip did not make sense in the slightest bit but it happened. Two weeks ago, Haley (my awesome friend and old roommate) told me I should go to the Bay with her for a dear friend's wedding. I was hesitant at first and I was still skeptical after I finally debated for a week and said yes. I have never been on a road trip this big. Most of my road trips have a destination in Utah. Super exotic I know.

A road trip at this scale was an adventure to say the least. I got to experience Northern Nevada and Northern California. My favorite part was the latter. I was not that impressed with the drive through Nevada; it was a whole lot of nothing. Louie (my camry), did great with gas mileage. I was super impressed because gas prices got higher the closer we got to California. Needless to say Haley and I got bored (it was an 11 hour drive) and spoke in accents a lot of the time. It was so great to catch up and talk about all the drama and happy things going on in our life. I definitely miss living with her. As soon as we got across the California border the trees and natures beauty reigned king. The going through the Sierra-Nevada's is a gorgeous drive. Plus it was snowing, and you don't think California and Snow mix but in all reality they do. I feel like California gets the best of everything, the gorgeous desert, the mountains, the forests, and of course the ocean. I love coastal areas. It's probably because I love water so much.

An 11 hour drive was definitely worth it. I did feel somewhat claustrophobic when we were driving near Sacramento; he humidity was a new feeling.  I almost needed a De-humidifier because I was not use to that much water in the air. I've been living in the dry air for 22 years. My hair definitely loved the humidity, and I loved that my hair loved it. I got to help Ashley get her back yard ready for the wedding, see Concord and Walnut Creek and the surrounding areas. It was just breath taking to see somethings that I have only seen in pictures. Going to the Oakland temple and looking across the Bay was gorgeous. I could see the city and the Golden Gate Bridge. I could even see Alcatraz. Haley's dad spoiled us (Haley, Kaylee, and I) by taking us to dinner at the San Francisco Creamery. That place was delicious. I recommend getting the California Chicken Burger and the Red & White Sundae! I was so stuffed from eating all the food plus being at sea level was a new feeling for me. I also got to try sushi for the first time, I think I need to eat it more to get used to the texture. And of course I got San Francisco Clam Chowder in a sour dough bread bowl that was yummy (best I've ever had in a long time). I wish I got some In-And-Out too but it was just go, go, go! I wanted to eat everything! But that would be a bad idea. 

I also got the best tour guides that took me to San Francisco, Alba and Tom. Alba is an old roommate and one of my favorite people. Tom was my FHE dad and in my FHE group during my second Semester at BYUI.

I got to see some amazing things, eat some super delicious food while I was at the Pier and the Wharf. Honestly you can get better restaurants and more variety in higher populated area period. Needless to say I need to move there so I can try new things for a couple of years with out getting bored. So here is a big photo dump of my amazing trip! I'll work on getting them in chronological order (definitely not to night or you could just go through my album on Facebook) I'll definitely be making adjustments to this post eventually. After I'm finally caught up on my sleep!


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