Wednesday, March 12, 2014

God Loves Us.

For anyone that knows me well, they know I have a great love for Elder Jeffery R. Holland and his comforting words. I know I have written about his wonderful video Wrong Roads but now I'm writing from a different perspective, not about boys but about life in general. I'm going to focus more towards the end of his video where he states this powerful message:

"I have absolute certain knowledge, perfect knowledge that God loves us, He is good, He is our Father. He expects us to pray and trust and be believing and not give up and not panic and not retreat and not jump ship when something doesn't seem to be going right. We stay in, we keep working, we keep believing, we keep trusting, following that same path and we will live to fall in His arms and feel His embrace and hear Him say, 'I told you it would be okay. I told you it would be alright."

Sometimes I wonder why I feel like things aren't okay when I know God loves me. That should be reason enough to keep the faith. I have a Heavenly Father and Mother who love me more than I probably could probably comprehend, yet there are days when I ask why me. I've been trying to ask "Why not me?" Obviously that is easier said than done.

Sometimes I have hard time wanting to stay in and not jump ship when things don't seem to be going right. I find its easier to run, hide from life, and just stop trying. Thats not really what God sent me down here to do.

He sent me down here to learn things about myself, understand that he knows what I am capable of. become like him, and truly learn the power of faith.

There are a couple people who I look up, who have an understanding God's love greater than I. One is Stephanie Nielson and the other is my cousin Ashlee Birk. Stephanie was badly burned and almost lost her life. I'm sure there were days where she wanted to give up and wanted to just die rather than go through her chronic pain(physically and emotionally). But she knew God still loved her despite this bad thing happening, He had a purpose for her. She was to be a wife, a mother, and a great messenger of the gospel. I'm sure she still has hard days where things don't seem to be alright but she looks to her blessings and the goodness she does have in her life. Ashlee has experienced tragedies people don't even want to think about. Sometimes bad things happen and this is probably the worst. I don't know to go into details, you can check her blog out and read her comforting words, but I will tell you this. Ashlee hasn't given up, she has kept her faith and I see her trust in God in every single post she writes. She knows God loves her and her family. She know things will be alright in the end.

It's strong women like Stephanie and Ashlee that make me feel, I wouldn't say stupid, but just bad that I think my life is hard. It is hard for me but their challenges are greater and they are handling them with grace, compassion, and faith. They know God loves them.

I don't think God makes bad things happen but I think He allows them so we can turn to him in love, faith, and trust. He allows them to happen to show us how strong we really are. That things are worth fighting for and giving up isn't the only option (and really we shouldn't consider it as an option).

Like Elder Holland, I know God loves and He is good. He wants the best for us. He wants us to trust him. The answers to our prayers and the healing to our pain does not come from standing by passively. It comes when we walk by faith and we keep working. They won't be this grand happenings, but small tender mercies. God will never answer in the ways we want but in the perfect ways he know. I know he will answer our prayers and help us find healing. The Atonement of Jesus Christ will in enable us and heal us when times are tough. The Atonement is there to make things right.

I know God loves me and He loves you. Just pray to feel is love and to understand that you are great in the eyes of Him that created you. We are his children and everything will be alright in the end because He loves us. I know there will be day when our loving Heavenly Father will hold us and he will tell us that he will "I told you it would be okay. I believed in you."

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