Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Medication to make you better...

There was a episode on glee, that really said somethings that needed to be said.
Watch it if you can...if not on hulu on the Fox website.

I like most Americans have forms of a "mental illness".
ADHD and Anxiety, which is a form of depression. 
I do take medication for both of them.
Why? because they make me better.
They make it easier for  me to be who I am supposed to be.
If I didn't (like most Americans) I would be blocking myself .
Like for instance I have hypothyroidism as well.
Should I not take my medication because it is what is and thats who I'm supposed to be.
No I take medication because it makes me better. It keeps me healthy!
I say I have to disagree with parents and some psychologist who say its better to go natural or to give
children or patients a break from their medication.
That doesn't make them better.
If Heavenly Father didn't want us to have medical help he wouldn't make sure modern medicine
progresses like it does.  He wants us to be better. He wants us to be who
we are supposed to be.
I'm not ashamed of having ADHD and Depression, it took me a while to overcome that.
I had to accept the fact that its my life and the only way to make it better was help.
Taking medication was my help.
I just needed to accept the fact that it is okay to ask for help.
It happens and that it why Heavenly Father has made it possible for medicine in the world.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dear Boys part dos

If you haven't checked out elise's pieces you should!
It awesomely fantastic! 

Dear D,
We've known each other forever.
I got my first kiss from you.
You've definitely changed.
And I'm moving on.


Dear Random boy in a car,
You kept staring at me until you couldn't see me.
It was nice and creepy at the same time! :)
Girl walking home

Dear BYUI Boys, 
As said by my Art 101 teacher,"Are ya idiots, 
there are way to many gorgeous girls on campus
that are single and shouldn't be!"

Dear some boy,
We've never met. I'm sure
when we do, things will happen
and will be glad we waited.
some girl

Friday, May 27, 2011

I mustache you a question?

At La Jolla 204 there is always something fun going on!
Tonight it was some mustache fun!
I had brought some black felt from home for us to use.
We made them and took some crazy pictures!
For some reason mustache are fun right now.
Sammy's and iHappi in Rexburg are huge on them!
You get a discounted grilled cheese at Sammy's on Monday!
Unless your a girl and really want to grow a real one for free!
I'll just stick with the fake one :)
I also made a crazy awesome sign for our apartment.


If you want one just email me at sportychick9110@gmail.com or leave a comment!
I'll send you the pdf!! 
Mustache on! xo!

Grateful Fridays


This week as been full of a lot of ups and downs. Thank goodness for the good things!!
{1} Sammy's Shake - its like Christmas in a cup!
{2} Shaved Ice with Pink Lemon Sour- reminds me of summer and my mom
{3} Running in the rain-sweating and washing away my stress
{4}My roommates-their my family up at school and help me get through things
{5} FHE brothers - always taking care of our apartment
{6}My sister Aubrie-nothing like a text from her

Happy Weekend Everyone! xo 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

                                   Check out Leigh Ashley's blog! Its a super cute and fun blog!

{one} what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
I don't think I've ever had a bad date! I always have fun!

{two} if you could be any other person for one day, who would it be?
My mother, I want to see my siblings and I the way she does!

{three} what is your favorite kind of cheese?
I love Parmesan cheese! I'm just love cheese a lot!

{four} do you remember your 1st grade teacher?
Of course! Her name was Mrs. Harrah and it was a split 2nd and  1st grade class.

{five} who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
My sisters, mother, or my best friend! Depends on who is available! 
Love them all very much!

{six} were you ever in a school talent show?
I don't think I ever was... 

{seven} who is your favorite fictional character?
Isi from Goose Girl

{eight} can you open your eyes underwater?
Yes! But of course with out my contacts in.
My swimming teacher made sure our whole class did!

{nine} do you look at the keyboard when you type?

{ten} when was the last time you took a nap?
Tuesday! I was of course woken up by Tracey smashing me
but I just love that girl!
Have a happy week! Keep smiling and being happy! :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dear Boys...

So there is the blog i follow called elise's pieces. It's an awesome blog for sure!
Every once in a while she'll do a post called Dear boys.
Honestly I want to start doing them too!

Dear Boy 1, 
I had a crush on you all summer. 
You seemed interested for a day
but that was it. I moved on and
went to college.

Dear farmer boy,
I could never tell if you liked me or not.
You took me for a ride in your combine, it was fun. 
Until you told your friends a different version of the story.
scale girl

Dear Stud, 
You made us melt in Sacrament meeting with how cute you were.
Now you have a girlfriend. 
Girls of LJ 204 Fall 2010

Dear Adventure Guy,
we met on our blind date. we talked afterword. you stopped talking. i was ok with it. i could tell you thought you were all that. you re-injured your knees. i felt bad. you started talking to me again. said I would make you brownies. then i realized what was going on. i stood up for myself. i deleted your number and you as a friend on  facebook.

Dear boy,
You listen to me complain about everything.
I thank you from that...
A girl full of complaints

What can I say Boys are pretty great and amazing  and some not so much! I'm sure there will be more positive one's in the future but I had fun doing this post! Have a great weekend!

Grateful Fridays


Another week as gone by...
It's amazes me how the even the little things can brighten my day!!
I am grateful for:
{1}Farm Fresh Eggs...I used to detest them at home but know I never have enough of them
{2}Big Hugs from Alba...She's always making sure I'm doing good
{3}-Being whistled at...what girl doesn't like that
{4} A good run or swim...clears my head and gives me a boost
{5} An apartment of happy girls...we're always having so much fun
{6}Lion King... the roomies and I watched it and quoted it the whole entire time!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I have never

Lately I have been thinking of things I never done...some I wish to do and others
I'm pretty skeptical about. . .

So I have never:
been outside of the United States
been to Ohio or Iowa or Illinois, pretty much the Midwest
 been on a cruise 
been to Europe: France, England, Italy, and Portugal are on my list 
 had a really weird food dish (such a talon soup like my dad)
 ridden in a train
 been to a huge 100,000+ concert
 been on a mission
 ridden an Elephant
 been kissed
had squid
owned my own snowboard
owned my own car
joined another church (what can I say my church is true)
hard core rock climbing
bungee jumping
sky diving
been in love

Those are on my bucket list. A Girl can dream and wish all she want.
Maybesomeday I'll be able to go and do some of these things!!

STar light, Star Bright, 
the first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might;
Have the wish I wish tonight!!

What are some things you have never done?

You got the crap?!

What can I say that I live with amazing girls.
When they got done with class( I got a new suit). We went
tanning over at Egin lakes but ended up taking
a lot of pictures. Let's just say I hope we go a lot so I can actually get tan.
(plus the new suit  it gives me a better reason to work out harder)
We took pictures and had guys asking us if we wanted to play Frisbee.
We turned them down and proceeded to take more pictures

Later that night...we got blocks of ice and went to the upper fields and ice blocked. It was hilarious
 People that walked by looked us as if we were weirdies but I'm pretty sure they
were just jealous! Once we had our fun we ended the night with a dance party, fatty food, and
a movie.

This week has been pure bliss. Want to know the secret to having a blissful week! Attitude, my friends, Attitude. I've been choosing to be happy with what I've been given...It's been a 
complete turn around from my first semester. I'm going to say it flat out, first
semester I thought  I had to have a date at BYU-I-do every weekend. So many people talked about it
I honestly thought something was wrong with me hahaha. There was a problem with my attitude toward life, I honestly thought the world owed me something for living in it. It doesn't, the world was
here first.  I have come to realize with much advice from my mom, is that someone
else can't make happy. Someone can only make you happier! Right now I'm living life to the fullest it
can be! If I don't have a date I'm going to sit around an complain, I'm going to go have fun.
I may have girl-next-door-its more than I want but it is what it is.
I'm going to make the most of it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Grateful Fridays


It's Friday yet again and I have so much to be grateful for this week.
It was definitely a week where I learned so many things
about life and myself. Things are
looking bright in the future because of how I'm handling them now.
This semester is becoming better and better each day.

I am Grateful for:
{1} Positive People- they help me become a better person
{2}Amazing great guy friends-I don't know what is, I get along 
with them so well
{3} Experienced roommates- they have so much advice about everything they
are making this semester very eventful!
{4} My parents - for showing me what love really is and giving me ideas of what I want in the future
{5} British Accents - Let's just say I met a guy who has one. and its lovely  when he speaks ..hahaha
{6} Friends who come to visit- Kylee and Andrew came up to Rexburg 
{7} Phone Calls where I'm the listener- I love it when I can help somebody else & forget about myself 

Have a Happy Weekend everybody!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Caves, Ducks and a Coconut

Today was Lovely.  After a pick me up from a friend last night.
Thank goodness for amazing friends to remind to not give up. Even
my Book of Mormon teacher noticed how happy I was today,
He told me he hoped I was that happy for the rest of the semester!

On Monday for FHE my group went to the Civil Defense Cave! Lots of fun and I want to get more pictures for sure from my FHE 
Brother's! We got glow sticks and cut them open
and splattered them everywhere! On ourselves and the walls of the cave!

I'm so grateful for the girls I live with...they are so fun and vibrant. They
just make everyday bright! Today we went to Nature Pond and 
feed the ducks! It was a lot of fun and Alba and Tracey were hilarious.
 We of course partied the drive over and on the way back to the apartment. Needless to say
some people were looking at us funny! That made it even better!

Alba also had a coconut and got work on getting it open.  It was quite the project!

Absolutely Lovely!