Friday, May 6, 2011

Grateful Fridays

Today I have a lot to be grateful I decided to do a regular posts of Grateful Friday's.
Sometimes I feel like there are so many negative things going on 
wether is how we feel about ourselves, what is said about us, things going on in the world, 
and how people can be on the internet.  I feel as a blogger I can be
more of a positive influnce.


I am grateful for:
{1} The most wonderful mother-I want to be a great mom like her!
{2} The temple-even looking at it can be a comfort; being inside is like going home
{3} Amazing friends- they constantly remind that I am perfect the way I am
{4} BYU-Idaho-this is where my testimony in Jesus Christ and his atonement blossomed 
{5} Little Children-they are so loving and so brave, nothing can really stop, they're some of my hero's
{6} The silly things in life that makes days brighter

You can link up and be apart of it...
Here are the rules
Have 3-10 things you a grateful for
It can be anything
Leave a little reason
Post the Button in your post or blog
be yourself
Link back up!
Have a Happy Weekend Everybody!
Are you grateful
Here is where you can share how grateful you are!

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