Friday, May 20, 2011

Dear Boys...

So there is the blog i follow called elise's pieces. It's an awesome blog for sure!
Every once in a while she'll do a post called Dear boys.
Honestly I want to start doing them too!

Dear Boy 1, 
I had a crush on you all summer. 
You seemed interested for a day
but that was it. I moved on and
went to college.

Dear farmer boy,
I could never tell if you liked me or not.
You took me for a ride in your combine, it was fun. 
Until you told your friends a different version of the story.
scale girl

Dear Stud, 
You made us melt in Sacrament meeting with how cute you were.
Now you have a girlfriend. 
Girls of LJ 204 Fall 2010

Dear Adventure Guy,
we met on our blind date. we talked afterword. you stopped talking. i was ok with it. i could tell you thought you were all that. you re-injured your knees. i felt bad. you started talking to me again. said I would make you brownies. then i realized what was going on. i stood up for myself. i deleted your number and you as a friend on  facebook.

Dear boy,
You listen to me complain about everything.
I thank you from that...
A girl full of complaints

What can I say Boys are pretty great and amazing  and some not so much! I'm sure there will be more positive one's in the future but I had fun doing this post! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chloe,

    I love your dear boys post. :)

