Friday, May 13, 2011

Grateful Fridays


It's Friday yet again and I have so much to be grateful for this week.
It was definitely a week where I learned so many things
about life and myself. Things are
looking bright in the future because of how I'm handling them now.
This semester is becoming better and better each day.

I am Grateful for:
{1} Positive People- they help me become a better person
{2}Amazing great guy friends-I don't know what is, I get along 
with them so well
{3} Experienced roommates- they have so much advice about everything they
are making this semester very eventful!
{4} My parents - for showing me what love really is and giving me ideas of what I want in the future
{5} British Accents - Let's just say I met a guy who has one. and its lovely  when he speaks ..hahaha
{6} Friends who come to visit- Kylee and Andrew came up to Rexburg 
{7} Phone Calls where I'm the listener- I love it when I can help somebody else & forget about myself 

Have a Happy Weekend everybody!

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