Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear Boy part sedici

Dear LJ 101,
Thanks for being you!
-C Lo

Dear Spring Semester FHE Bros,
I miss you so much! Please! Plllease
come back!

Dear S,
You are just awesome so
I'm writing to you again :)
Thanks for being my friend!

Dear boys on campus,
Thanks for the double takes.
It makes a girl feel good!
-four inch heels

Dear Studying,
Uh can we be at the library
at the same time and place
to study again. Not that I would
get much studying done.
-girl writing a paper

Dear Green,
I feel like we haven't talked in
a while! Could we change that?
-normal clothes

Dear Boy,
I'm glad to know your out there,
somewhere. I'll keep waiting and
trying to be patient.
girl dreaming and waiting

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