Saturday, October 8, 2011

Let The Rain

Tonight I went for a walk.
Earphones ingrained into my ears.
I was listening to Let the Rain by Sara Bareilles
(don't know why I didn't know about it before, but Elise introduced it to me)
I walked to my favorite spot and no you can't know where that is. 
Its a secret ;)
I was trying to organize my thoughts and how I feel.
I realized some things. 

I'm in desperate need of a best friend in Rexburg. 

I need a hug. 

Sisters are my favorite.

Sara Bareilles sings what I am feeling. 

Boys are.....well lets not get into details.

I wish my mom was here in Rexburg.

I needed to cry yet again. I wish the waterworks would stop. 
At least I know why I needed to. 

I'm in a funk that I need to get out off. A run maybe? Shotgun shooting?
A chat with my BFF in Provo?

I'm stronger than I think. I think...

My Heavenly Father is looking out for me.

I am so ready to go to church tomorrow.

So here is my theme song of the week:

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