Saturday, October 8, 2011

I want to be enough...

I had a wonderful young women leader who taught me something
 important as a Mia Maid. 
Women have an extra gene: the Devil Gene. 
Its that voice in our head telling us we aren't good enough. 
Some one else is prettier or smarter or more talented. 
At least for me its like I'm battling myself. 
Half of me says"Hey Chloe give yourself credit. You are worth it."
The other half is saying "Who would want to be with you. You are not good enough."
Hence why I am cynical when it comes to boyfriend/girlfriend/love ect.
I've realized its the front I put up because I feel insecure about it.
Oh insecurities what would I do with out you.
I'd definitely be boring for sure.

If there is anything that I could stress more than anything is don't let that the devil gene win. 
If it does your life will be miserable. Literally the Pit of Despair!
(Don't even think about escap...cough cough. hehe)
There was I time where I let the devil gene win. 
I was one depressed girl. I was angry. I thought life wasn't fair.
I thought nobody wanted to be my friend.
I was no fun to be around because of this thought.
Of course nobody would want to be around that Chloe. 
Girls you are Royal heirs of a wonderful Father in Heaven. 
You are beautiful! You are good enough! You are amazing!
So everyday say"I am beautiful. I am good enough! I am amazing!"
Then repeat until you feel good inside. 
You are enough!
As I have gotten older a gained a plethora of wisdom(ha I wanted to sound  old)
I've come to understand I can't compare myself with anybody else.
I'm different on purpose. There is nobody like me in this world.
I am enough and I will be okay.

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